Historic Homes in Raleigh

Council Approves FY2024-2025 Housing Action Plan

The plan outlines the City's strategies for using federal funding

The Raleigh City Council has taken a significant step towards addressing housing and community development needs by approving the FY2024-2025 Draft Annual Action Plan. This plan outlines Raleigh's objectives and strategies for utilizing federal funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The federal funding programs include the Community Development Block Grant program, Home Investment Partnerships program, and the Emergency Solutions Grant program. 

Community involvement has been a cornerstone of this process. Residents were actively encouraged to participate in shaping the plan through two virtual public meetings, two in-person public meetings, an electronic community survey, comments received via email, two public hearings, and a 30-day comment period. Feedback from these sessions was instrumental in refining the draft plan to better reflect the needs and priorities of Raleigh's diverse communities. 

Key initiatives outlined in the plan include programs supported by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs. These initiatives aim to improve housing affordability, increase access to essential services, and address homelessness in our city.   

Following the public engagement process, the final draft of the Action Plan has been adjusted to incorporate community feedback and will now be submitted to HUD. The City of Raleigh remains committed to transparency and inclusivity, ensuring that residents have a voice in decisions that impact their lives. 

For more information, please visit the Community Development Reports & Documents page. 

Lead Department:
Housing and Neighborhoods
