Raleigh's Dedication to Safe Drinking Water

 Since 1991, public water providers like Raleigh Water are required by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act to monitor Tier 1 sites for lead and copper levels in the drinking water on a reoccurring schedule. Tier 1 monitoring sites are single family residences served by copper plumbing with lead solder joints installed after 1986 or any sites with lead services lines regardless of installation date. While Raleigh Water is not aware of any lead service lines in the service area, there may be galvanized iron service lines with lead components in neighborhoods where the water infrastructure was installed prior to 1960. 

Raleigh Water has been, and continues to be compliant with all Federal and State rules regulating lead and copper in drinking water. The most recent lead and copper distribution system sampling was performed in the summer of 2022.  

View more information about the City of Raleigh drinking water quality

Wake County Environmental Services has not found lead in drinking water above Federal Action Levels within the Raleigh Water’s service area through their lead investigation program.

View more information on Wake County’s Lead Prevention Program

Raleigh Water also uses industry best practices in our water treatment processes to control leaching of lead and copper from water service lines and plumbing systems, including the addition of corrosion inhibitor products and optimization of pH in the drinking water.  Raleigh Water has developed and implemented a robust Asset Management Program to replace aging underground infrastructure within the service area, including the replacement of galvanized iron service lines.   

While Raleigh Water goes to great lengths to minimize and control lead exposure, the primary source of lead exposure in drinking water is associated with household plumbing with lead soldered copper pipes. Lead solder was banned for use in plumbing systems by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1986.

Customers who are uncertain about the materials in their plumbing system are encouraged to verify the date of home construction or contact a licensed plumber to make this determination.

Raleigh Water customers may request a free kit to test for lead in their drinking water though this link:

Lead Test Request 

Or by calling:  919-996-4H20 (4420) or by email:  watersamples@raleighnc.gov



Lead Department:
Service Categories:
Water Treatment