mason jar filled with water, next to running tap

Stay Hydrated This Summer with Raleigh’s Best-Tasting Water

We don’t have to tell you: it’s hot outside. Beat the heat with Raleigh’s great-to-drink tap water!  

Raleigh Water consistently delivers some of the highest quality drinking water in North Carolina, earning the Best Tasting Water award at the NC One Water Conferences in 2022 and 2023. Raleigh Water was also rated 3rd best in an international taste-testing competition. Tap in and enjoy the refreshing taste! 

Water Quality Report: Breaking Down the Numbers 

We have the numbers to back-up our water safety.  Our annual water quality report confirms we continue to be in full compliance with all safe drinking water standards.  In addition, we have taken steps to go above and beyond current regulatory requirements, which include: 

  • Lowering levels of PFAS in the water that comes to your tap. We use powder activated, carbon feed systems (state of the art!) so these forever chemicals are below EPA’s new limits. Learn more 
  • Improving our overall plant processes in order to meet the stringent requirements of the Partnership for Safe Water.  We've received the Presidents Award for the Dempsey Benton Water treatment plant and are in the process of achieving this high standard for the EM Johnson plant.  Learn more. 
  • Investing approximately $353 million to upgrade our treatment facilities and replace old or poor condition water lines, fire hydrants and water valves.  Learn more. 

Hard or Soft Water? 

Water hardness is a common water characteristic that represents the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water. Raleigh’s water falls in the soft water category (see image below).

What does this mean for you?  You don’t need an in-home water softening system, which are sometimes suggested to utility customers by water filter companies.    

Graphic sharing the different water hardness levels and where Raleigh's level range lands. 0 to 60 mg/L (milligrams per liter) as calcium carbonate is classified as soft; 61 to 120 mg/L as moderately hard; 121 to 180 mg/L as hard; and more than 180 mg/L as very hard. Raleigh’s water is considered soft with a hardness which typically ranges from 25 mg/L to 30 mg/L

Learn more about Raleigh's Innovative Water Systems!

What Happens When You Flush? A Deep Dive into Raleigh's Innovative Water Systems



Edward Buchan
Assistant Director, Raleigh Water


Lead Department:
