pedestrian crossing

HAWKs Land on Avent Ferry Road

New devices for safer crosswalks

This news article is more than a year old.

Construction just completed for two new High-Intensity Activated CrossWalk (HAWK) signals on Avent Ferry Road. The new crossings are near Brigadoon Drive and Centennial View Lane. 

Also known as a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon, these new crosswalks will help residents safely access busy bus stops - the Walnut Creek Trail and NC State’s Centennial Campus. To use these new devices, users will press the button to activate the signal to stop traffic. When the drivers see a solid red light, a walk signal is displayed, notifying walkers/bikers that they can cross the street safely. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) reports that HAWK signals reduce pedestrian crashes by 55%. 

This project was funded through NCDOT’s Spot Safety program and was designed and built by NCDOT. Raleigh’s Vision Zero Team partnered with NCDOT to identify the need for these crossings and deliver a solution. Raleigh’s Vision Zero program is committed to making it safer to get around our city, whether on foot, by bus, or by car. 

Learn more about how HAWK signals work.



Sean Driskill,P.E
Vision Zero Manager

Lead Department:
