Five Points Streetscape

Five Points Intersection Safer Thanks to Raleigh's Vision Zero

Improvements have reduced run-off-road crashes by 60 percent

This news article is more than a year old.

The Five Points intersection is where Glenwood Avenue meets Whitaker Mill Road, Fairview Road, and Glenn Avenue. This unique intersection has a history of run-off-road crashes in the northbound direction causing vehicles to hit the church, trees, and utility poles. One of the crashes was fatal.

Raleigh’s Vision Zero Team partnered with NCDOT to identify this crash pattern and build a solution. In 2022, a project was funded through NCDOT’s Spot Safety Program.

Low cost, high impact improvements such as flashing chevron signs were installed to warn drivers that Glenwood Avenue curves through the intersection. A new speed feedback sign tells drivers if they are going too fast. 

Signal upgrades have also been installed to improve pedestrian safety, like Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) which give walkers a head start before drivers next to them see a green light. These changes make it easier to navigate this complex intersection.

Since the installation of these improvements, the annual rate of run-off-road crashes has decreased by 60 percent.

Help us keep this safety trend going by always staying alert and wearing your seatbelt!



Sean Driskill,P.E
Vision Zero Manager

Lead Department:
Service Categories:
Traffic Engineering
