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See Something? Say Something! Raleigh Crime Stoppers

Anonymously report a crime or share a tip

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If you wish to anonymously report a crime tip, call Raleigh Crime Stoppers at 919-996-1193.

The heart of Crime Stoppers is the anonymous tip, often provided by a confidential phone call.

  • Tipsters call the Crime Stoppers tips line and speak with a Crime Stoppers coordinator.
  • This line does not provide caller ID, and conversations are not recorded.
  • Information gleaned from the call is given to an investigating officer.

By guaranteeing anonymity, tipsters can give information without the threat of retribution. Offering cash rewards for information leading to arrests encourages tipsters to provide information. The reward money paid by the program typically comes from concerned citizens and businesses. Rewards are distributed privately to tipsters. Callers can choose not to receive a reward.

Download the Crime Stoppers App

QR code for Raleigh Crime Stoppers information

QR code for Crime Stoppers information 

Scan the QR code to download the Crime Stoppers app, and to provide tips anonymously.



Raleigh Crime Stoppers


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