Officer Sitting at Desk

Report a Crime or Tip

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Crimes in progress Report a Non-emergency Crime by Phone Report a Non-emergency Crime Online Anonymously Report a Crime

By reporting crimes that occur in your community you can help the police and the judicial system combat crime. It is critical that the police have as much information as possible about the crimes that are committed in our city by helping to generate vital information that can be utilized to solve the crime you reported, solve crimes that may be related, conduct investigations, and build cases against criminals.

Learn how to prevent crime.

Crimes in progress

In case of emergency, call 911 to report the details of a crime you witness.

Report a Non-emergency Crime by Phone

Call 919-831-6311 to speak to an officer about a crime in which:

  • There is no serious personal injury, property damage or property loss;
  • There is no possibility that the suspect is still at the scene or likely to return to the scene;
  • An immediate response is not needed.

Report a Non-emergency Crime Online

The Raleigh Police Department has an online crime reporting system that allows members of the community to file seven types of non-emergency police reports online. Eligible reports:

  • credit card theft
  • identity theft
  • damages to property
  • damages to vehicles
  • harassing phone calls
  • lost property
  • stolen property
  • thefts from vehicle
  • hit and runs (damage under $1,000)

You will need to answer a short series of questions to determine if the crime can be accepted through the online reporting service.

Online reporting users will be able to print a temporary copy of their report immediately after it is submitted. Online submissions are reviewed by the department before a permanent report number is issued.

Raleigh Police Crime Reporting Center (CRC)

Benefits of Using Online Reporting System

The online reporting system provides a convenient way to report crimes that do not require the presence of an officer, and it increases police productivity by freeing officers to perform other law enforcement activities. In addition, users may find it is a more convenient way to file a police report needed for an insurance claim.

Online crime reporting system

Anonymously Report a Crime

If you wish to anonymously report a crime tip, call Raleigh Crime Stoppers at 919-996-1193 or leave a tip online.

  • This line does not provide caller ID, and conversations are not recorded. 
  • Information gleaned from the call is given to an investigating officer. 
  • Tips received can include responses to requests for information publicized by the media or other crimes the caller knows about.

Learn more about Raleigh Crime Stoppers.






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