Published 11/5/2024 at 8 p.m.Updated 3/10/2025 at 4 p.m.
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08/07/2024 2:43 pm
The Police Records Division handles public requests for reports. Crash Reports are free of charge if you visit the Records counter or you can access it through the online system.
The majority of requests are traffic accident (Crash) reports, or incident (Crime) reports. Crime Reports include all reports taken by the police department, in person or by telephone, other than a traffic accident.
Incident Reports
There are two ways to request incident reports:
Email and include the report number if you have it and a phone number to reach you in the event there is an issue. Staff will email you your report.
Call 919-996-3325 and speak with a staff member that can assist with finding your report and emailing it to you.
Crash Reports
Visit our website to view and print your report online.