The City of Raleigh is partnering with the US Geological Survey (USGS), in coordination with a companion study conducted by NC State University, to complete the Comprehensive Assessment of Streambank Erosion Hotspots in Raleigh, NC project.
This project aims to predict streambank erosion potential using remotely detected datasets. Results will provide the City of Raleigh with a city-wide dataset of streambank erosion hotspots that can be used to identify areas with severe erosion problems, as well as areas with stable streambanks. This information will allow the City to efficiently deploy staff for field investigations and prioritize need and opportunities for stream restoration and stabilization projects. This study will also inform future watershed assessment strategies and help support the creation of a framework for the City's developing Stream and Riparian Program.
Project Details
- Type:
- Budget:
- Project Lead:
Stormwater Management
- Contractors:
Partnered with USGS