paved greenway trail

Parks and Recreation

Lake Lynn West Loop Trail Project

Trail Improvements

Project Overview

The Lake Lynn Loop Trail is located in northwest Raleigh and connects the Lake Lynn Community Center to Lynn Road. This project includes improvements to Lake Lynn Trail Loop along the west side of the loop trail which is part of the Hare Snipe Creek Trail that extends from Ray Road to Wooten Meadow Park. Improvements to include the rehabilitation of the trail including a new base, new asphalt surface, trail widening, grading and drainage enhancements, improved access to and from adjacent communities, pavement markings, and pedestrian bridge replacement.

Project Timeline: 2024-2027

Interactive map of Park Projects
List of Park Projects

Project Details

Contractors: Design Consultant - Dewberry



Raleigh Parks
Planning and Public Engagement
David Bender, Engineer

Engineering Services
Design and Construction
Kelly Ham, Engineering Manager

Lead Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Participating Department:
Engineering Services




No planning phase involved in this bond project.


The design team has initiated the project's design phase. They are scheduled to complete the final design plans in Summer 2025.

Once the design plans are completed and the final construction plans and permits have been approved, the project will be publicly bid for construction.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services



Project Schedule

Summer 2025Design, Permitting, Acquisition Complete
Spring 2026Advertise for Construction
Spring 2026Estimated start of construction. Please note when we have a more specific date, this will be updated.
Summer 2027Estimated construction completion. Please note when we have a more specific date, this will be updated.

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