Thank You for Your Input
Thank you to everyone who participated in the River Cane Wetland Park online survey and public engagement events. View the survey results. Your feedback has helped shape the park’s design as we move forward from schematic design (30%) to design development (60%).
Upcoming Engagement Opportunity
The final schematic design will be presented to the Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board on Thursday, April 17.
Project Overview
The River Cane Wetland Park is a vacant parcel located at 4700 Kyle Drive, near the intersection of Louisburg Road (U.S. Highway 401) and Valley Stream Drive. This future park site is 27.25 acres and is located along the Beaverdam Creek Greenway Corridor.
We will provide subscriber email updates as the project progresses from design to permitting, bidding, and construction. Visit the Engagement Portal to learn more about the park design process and sign up for future updates.
Project Timeline: 2024-2028
Project Details
- Type:
- Budget: