image of trees growing out of a body of water

Parks and Recreation

River Cane Wetland Park

Master Plan

Upcoming Meetings

Raleigh Parks would love to invite you to the upcoming Invasive Species Removal Work Day at River Cane Wetland Park on Friday, Oct. 11 from 9 a.m. to noon. Help us prepare the park for its next stage of development by removing non-native, invasive plant species. Sign up to participate.

Project Overview

The River Cane Wetland Park is a vacant parcel located at 4700 Kyle Drive, near the intersection of Louisburg Road (U.S. Highway 401) and Valley Stream Drive. This future park site is 27.25 acres and is located along the Beaverdam Creek Greenway Corridor.

Please visit the engagement portal to view the public engagement process. Please see the Resources section at the bottom of this page for project documents.

Project Timeline: 2024-2028

Interactive map of Park Projects
List of Park Projects

Project Details




Emma Liles

Lead Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Participating Department:
Engineering Services
Service Unit:




The River Cane Wetland Park project is now in the Schematic Design phase. There will be additional touchpoints with the community in early 2025, and we hope to hear from you! We of course agree that everyone who will be impacted by this project has a right to participate, and we welcome all to stay involved throughout the planning process.

Funding has been allocated for community engagement, Master Plan development, design, and construction at River Cane Wetland Park through the 2022 Parks Bond Referendum. Raleigh Parks is excited to work with the community to create a Master Plan that reflects the unique needs and desires of local residents.

Raleigh Parks is excited to announce that the City Council officially approved the River Cane Wetland Park Master Plan during their Aug. 20, 2024 session!

You can view the agenda item, which includes the Master Plan report and presentation or you can watch a presentation recording.

City Council officially approved the new park name River Cane Wetland Park during their Oct. 1, 2024 session! View the agenda item.




Site Conditions & Analysis

Existing Condition – Beaverdam Creek 

Proposed Wetland Boardwalk 

Proposed Green Stormwater Infrastructure 

Project Schedule

Date Activity
2023 Situation Assessment
Late 2023 - 2024 Master Plan
Early - Mid 2025 Schematic Design
2025 - 2026 Designs and Permitting
2026 - 2028 Bidding and Construction

Public Participation Process

The Master Plan process for River Cane Wetland Park will follow the Collaborate Pathway, as outlined in the City of Raleigh Public Participation Playbook.

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