rendering of new park image

Parks and Recreation

Smoky Hollow Park Project

New Park Coming to Downtown Raleigh

Project Overview

The Smoky Hollow Park project, located on a 14-acre site at Capital Boulevard and Peace Street in Raleigh, focuses on transforming a city maintenance facility into a new downtown park. Funded by the 2014 and 2022 City of Raleigh Parks Bond Referendums, the project includes environmental remediation, stream restoration and stormwater management, and the creation of walking paths, gathering spaces, and landscaped areas.

The centerpiece is the restored Pigeon House Branch, realigned to flow through the park, with viewing areas and plazas along its path. Renamed "Smoky Hollow Park" in 2022, the schematic design was approved in Spring 2024. Advanced design will occur in 2025-2026, with construction starting in 2026 and project completion by 2028.

Project Timeline: 2017-2028

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Project Details

$13,500,000 - 2014 and 2022 Parks Bonds funding, $500,000 - Raleigh Stormwater funding, $8,679,930 - Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Grant grant (Anticipated)
Concept and Schematic Design: Tetra Tech Engineering; Advanced Design and Permitting: Hazen and Sawyer; Construction Manager at Risk: Clancy and Theys Construction Co.



Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Gary Claiborne, Capital Projects Manager

Engineering Services
Megan Walsh, PE Stormwater Senior Engineer

Lead Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural ResourcesEngineering Services
Service Unit:




The concept design was adopted by the City Council in 2022.  See the Resources section below to download the Concept Plan Report. 


The Schematic Design was adopted by the City Council on May 7, 2024. 


Site Remediation and Construction are planned for 2026-2028.


Project Completion and Park Opening planned for 2028.

Project Schedule

2017 - 2020Site Environmental Analysis
2020 - 2022Site Planning, Conceptual Design, Stakeholder and Community Engagement
2023 - 2026Park Design and Permitting
2026 - 2028Site Construction


The 14-acre project site, currently a city maintenance facility, was known informally for many years as "Devereux Meadow.”  In 2022, Raleigh City Council approved the project’s concept plan, that set the vision for the current design, and renamed the future park “Smoky Hollow Park”. 

The schematic design refined the vision of the concept plan and was approved by City Council in 2024. The Concept Plan and Schematic Design documents are in the Resources section below. 

In August 2024, Smoky Hollow Park was notification of grant award in the amount of $8.6m from the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program.

Public Participation Process

The public process for the Smoky Hollow Park project followed the Consult pathway, as outlined in the City of Raleigh Public Participation Playbook, and concluded with the City Council approval of the Schematic Design in May 2024. 

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