View of Baileywick Road Park Improvements

Parks and Recreation

Baileywick Park Improvements

Providing a unique park for the community

Baileywick Park is a 50-acre park located in North Raleigh. Baileywick Road bounds the park to the north, Baileywick Elementary and Steeplechase subdivision to the east, Wentworth Park subdivision to the south, and Traemoor Manor subdivision including their privately-owned lake to the west.

Funded by the 2014 Parks Bond Referendum, park improvements include an open-air multi-use pavilion, a partially wooded, fenced dog park with buffer/screening planting, expanded parking, general landscape enhancements, renovations to the existing restroom and picnic shelter, as well as a non-regulated stormwater quality device funded by Stormwater Management Division CIP funds. During construction, the open lawn area to the east of the parking lot, shelter #1, and the restroom building will be closed. Temporary outdoor toilet facilities will be provided. Parking will also be impacted, with an estimated 20 spaces unavailable for use during construction. Nearby shelters of similar size are located at Peter Williams Park, Lake Lynn Park, Brier Creek Park, and Honeycutt Park. Construction is anticipated to be complete in April 2024.

Project Details

$5.4 million
in situ studio


Lead Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources




This phase is complete.


The Baileywick Park master plan amendment and schematic design plan for park improvements were adopted and approved by City Council on August 20, 2019, as recommended by the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board.

The complete master plan amendment document can be downloaded here.

Design rendering of large modern building in open air pavilion with tall green grasses

Design rendering of Open Air Multi-Use Pavilion


Contractor, Muter Construction, is actively working to receive all final inspections to receive a Certificate of Occupancy. Construction is anticipated to be completed in April 2024.



Date Activity
Fall 2019 – Early Spring 2020 Design and Permitting
Fall 2021 Bidding
Winter 2021 Bid Award
Early 2022 - Spring 2024 Construction


The original Baileywick Park Master Plan was completed in 1998 and incorporates small parking areas; four lighted tennis courts; two basketball courts; informal picnic areas; natural areas; and greenways and informal trails on the northern portion of the park and one informal, partially-fenced open play/practice field (adjacent to the school); one informal non-fenced open playfield near the children's area; two lighted ball fields; two picnic shelters and restrooms; a community center, a play facility for both younger and older children, natural areas, greenway, and informal trails, and parking to service facilities, and parking for 260 to 300 cars on the southern portion of the park. The mission statement for the park is as follows:

  • Protect the environmental assets as practicable;
  • Balance the needs of the immediate neighborhood with overall north planning district needs;
  • Strive to facilitate a mutually advantageous relationship with Baileywick Elementary School;
  • Allow the park site’s special features, in conjunction with determined site improvements, to create a unique park with its own special identity; and,
  • Provide a high level of pedestrian connectivity between homes, school, and park through a combination of greenways and sidewalks.

The first phase of the park was built in 2002 and includes a paved walking trail that begins at the Baileywick Road entrance to the park and loops behind the playground to the parking lot, a playground for two- to five-year-old children, a playground for five- to 12-year-old children, two shelters, an older youth and adult baseball/softball field, youth baseball or softball field, and a multi-purpose field.

The Situation Assessment, which is the first step in the park planning process that includes a site analysis, community research and data collection, public outreach, a community survey, establishment of a public website and interviews with stakeholders, was completed and presented to the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board in December 2018.

Following the Situation Assessment, the design team continued public engagement through a series of three in-person workshops and companion online surveys to formulate the final draft Amended Master Plan and Schematic Design. Information presented to the public for review and comment at the three public workshops is as follows:

  1. Three alternative master plan amendment concepts, incorporating information provided as part of the community survey, and a menu of park elements for individuals to indicate how important each park elements is to you and your family.
  2. A Draft Amended Park Master Plan and two alternative concepts for Schematic Design, taking into consideration the project budget and priorities element from the previous workshop.
  3. A Final Draft Amended Master Plan and a Draft Schematic Design, based on input from the previous workshop and a child-focused workshop to understand the community’s desires for new play equipment.

The Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board took action at their July meeting to recommend City Council approve the draft Park Master Plan Amendment and Schematic Design. These items were presented at the June meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board where public comment was received. The project team will present the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board's recommendation to the City Council in August as part of the Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board report.

$5.4 million from the 2014 Bond Referendum is available for the Baileywick Park master plan amendment and park improvements. $12 million was allocated through the 2014 Parks Bond Referendum for completion of the Baileywick Park project; however, on March 20, 2018, City Council work session City Council reallocated $6.6 million to supplement park projects in need of additional funding. Through thorough community engagement, it is clear that the draft amended master plan better serves the community today than the 1998 park master plan. The draft schematic design incorporates the highest priority needs and desires of the community within the allocated project budget.  

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