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Inclusion and Medical Support

Specialized Recreation and Inclusion Services

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Overview Requesting Services Forms


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources provides support to participants with disabilities and/or medical conditions who request a program modification. Participants who indicate a disability and/or medical condition and request accommodation will be contacted by Inclusion Services. Those who share disability and/or medical information and do not request accommodation will not be contacted by Inclusion Services.

Individual support plans are created on a case-by-case basis and designed upon the participant’s specific condition and the program(s) they register for. Additional forms, interviews, and/or communication are required.  Support plans do not exempt participants from following City of Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources policies, but can provide modifications to support them in doing so. 

Examples of supports/services available may include, but are not limited to:

  • Adaptive/supportive materials
  • Additional trained staff for the program to lower the existing program staff-to-participant ratio
  • Alternative print materials
  • Individualized emergency plans
  • Modifications to environment and activities
  • Specialized training for program/site staff

Participants who require a higher level of support than available, can bring their own Personal Assistant to the program, at no additional cost. Additional paperwork is required of the Personal Assistant.

Requesting Services

  • To ensure your place in the program, always register for the program of choice first.
  • Select “yes” to an ADA accommodation at the time of registration (either online or hard-copy registration forms).
  • Download the Accommodation Request Form here. Complete and submit to finalize your request. 

Inclusion Services will follow up on all requests as quickly as possible.  The Accommodation Request Form should be received at least two weeks prior to the start date of the program, so we can ensure appropriate supports are available. Additional forms will be required to for our assessment process based upon the request and may require a physician’s signature. 

While every effort is made to meet the requests, there are situations in which programs may be determined as not the best fit for an individual’s needs or the operational requirements of Raleigh Parks. In these situations, we will work with the participant/family/staff to recommend other program opportunities.

For more information, contact Inclusion Services at 919-996-2147 or at


Required Forms for all Inclusion Requests

Required Forms for Medical Support Requests 

For more information contact Inclusion Services at 919-996-2147.

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