a group of volunteers after completing a garden build

Volunteer Code of Conduct

Raleigh Parks Volunteers


This Volunteer Code of Conduct is designed to be a general set of principles and expectations for conduct and applies to all Raleigh Parks volunteers. A more specific code of conduct may be in place for different volunteer programs within Raleigh Parks. By signing up to volunteer, you are agreeing to the following code of conduct.

Raleigh Parks General Volunteer Code of Conduct

  1. Volunteers shall not discriminate and shall be respectful in regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, and disability.
  2. Volunteers shall not harass, bully, or mistreat staff, volunteers, or community members.
  3. Volunteers shall obey all applicable local, state, and federal laws, while acting on behalf of the City of Raleigh.
  4. Volunteers shall not report to their shift while intoxicated or exhibiting an odor of alcohol or other impairment by a controlled substance. No alcohol or other controlled substance shall be consumed during a volunteer’s shift.
  5. Smoking is not permitted in any Raleigh Parks facility, park, or nature preserve.
  6. Firearms and other weapons are prohibited.
  7. As representatives of Raleigh Parks, volunteers are responsible for presenting a good image to the community. Volunteers shall dress appropriately for the conditions and performance of their duties. Clothing that displays drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gang, sexual, or discriminatory language or iconography is not permitted.
  8. Volunteers should always adhere to safety rules.
  9. Volunteers cannot make changes to a City of Raleigh property or program without the consent/direction of their City of Raleigh Supervisor.
  10. There may also be additional rules and regulations for specific facilities, parks, trails, and nature preserves. Volunteers should make themselves aware of any additional rules and regulations that apply to the Raleigh Parks site on which they will be working.

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