WHEREAS, orange is bright and demands attention, it is the color hunters use to protect themselves and others from harm. Orange is the color that a group of people in Chicago chose to honor a friend who was killed by gunfire at the age of 15. They performed a simple act that has become a national movement to honor the victims of gun violence; and,
WHEREAS, June is National Gun Violence Awareness Month, people across the city, state, and country wear orange. It is a simple but powerful action; and,
WHEREAS, throughout the month, our social networks, our landmarks, and our communities will light up orange, representing a bright future free from gun violence. Orange expresses our hope as a city and country that our places of worship, our schools, our movie theaters, and our communities will be free from gun violence. and,
WHEREAS, the Raleigh Police Department continues to implement Firearm Violence Reduction Strategies to reduce firearm-related crime in Raleigh and the Department is taking steps to reduce these numbers through training and education, partnering and engaging with the community, and utilizing intelligence-led policing; and,
WHEREAS, gun violence awareness is highlighted in June but must be communicated daily. We can all work to end gun violence so that Raleigh remains a safe, vibrant, and healthy community.
NOW, THEREFORE, do I Mary-Ann Baldwin, Mayor of the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, hereby proclaim the month of June 2023 in the City of Raleigh as
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, to be affixed this 1st day of June 2023.
Mary-Ann Baldwin