Human Relations Commission
Promoting human dignity, equal opportunity, mutual respect and harmony
Mailing Address:
Human Relations
P.O. Box 590
Raleigh, NC 27602
Staff Liaison
More Information
The Human Relations Commission works to promote human dignity, equal opportunity and harmony among Raleigh residents. The commission also promotes activities and programs for residents without regard to race, color, creed, gender, age, sexual orientation, or national origin. The commission sponsors a number of activities that promote diversity and human relations.
Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month from 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. and are open to the public.
*Note: Scheduled meetings and locations are listed on the event calendar. Schedules may vary due to holidays and cancellations.
Sign Up for News and Updates
Sign up to receive alerts about the Human Relations Commission through MyRaleigh subscriptions.
Public Comment via Phone
In addition to in-person public comment, the Human Relations Commission also provides a telephone option. To leave a public comment for the Human Relations Commission via phone, call 855-925-2801 and enter code 8543. Voicemails are accepted for a period of 4 days prior to the Commission's meeting.
The Human Relations Commission’s public comment line opens at 5 p.m. on the Saturday prior to the meeting and closes at 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before the Board’s regular monthly meeting. Please note that 1 comment is allowed per person per meeting and the limit for public comments is 3 minutes.
The Commission sponsors a number of activities that promote diversity and human relations. Among them:
- Human Relations Commission Awards
- Mayor's Unity Day Celebration
- Human Services Grants
- Community Dialogues: Series that engaged the public in how the City of Raleigh can best serve its increasingly diverse population.
Schedule to Appear Before Commission
If you would like to schedule an appearance before the Commission, contact the City staff liaison via email equity.boardcommissions@raleighnc.gov or phone 919-996-5740.
Updates from the Commission
- February is Black History Month, a recognition and celebration of African American history and achievements. Check out events around Raleigh that honor the contributions and history of African Americans.
- In January, the HRC welcomed a guest speaker to discuss benefits and leave. Thank you to Caleb Lewis from the Raleigh Professional Firefighters Association for joining us!
- Each year, the City provides Human Relations Grants to local nonprofits. These grants fund direct services for vulnerable populations. This includes older adults, youth, individuals with disabilities, those with substance use disorders, and residents experiencing housing instability. Programs must support low-income residents and are chosen through a competitive process.
For FY26, the total requested funding is $2,407,504. This is an increase of $690,045 from the previous year. Additionally, over 18% of applications are from new organizations seeking support. The HRC is excited to review the proposals and provide funding to organizations in support of essential services. - National Day of Racial Healing Event has been rescheduled to March 24! This is the Commission's flagship annual event. Find more information and register on the event page.
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