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Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility Biosolids Program Environmental Management Systems Policy Statement

Information & Environmental Management System

The Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility is a wastewater treatment facility. Biosolids are the nutrient-rich organic materials resulting from the treatment of domestic sewage. Biosolids management processes solid residue from wastewater treatment. Processing reduces or eliminates pathogens and minimizes odors. This results in forming a safe, beneficial agricultural product.

Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility Biosolids Program

The Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility treats wastewater from Garner, Knightdale, Raleigh, Rolesville, Wake Forest, Wendell, and Zebulon. It is a 75 Million Gallons per Day plant located in southeast Raleigh. The plant produces 40 dry tons of biosolids per day.

Diversification of products and distribution is the key to the success of the Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility biosolids program. The program produces and distributes two types of biosolids.

  • Class A biosolids - applied to institutional land. (Unavailable)
  • Dewatered sludge - used in commercial composting in a Class A compost/mulch product.

A landfill contract is also in place as an emergency alternative should any of the other outlets become unavailable.

Map of area of application: Topographic

Environmental Management Systems

The Environmental Management System integrates environmental considerations into day-to-day decision making and operations. It is also used for improving organizational performance over time. The Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility is a 14001:2015 certified facility.

The Environmental Management System has to be re-verified by an independent third-party auditor. Re-verification occurs every three years with surveillance audits of the program conducted annually. This re-verification certifies the Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility has an effective environmental management system that:

  • Supports continual improvement of environmental performance
  • Meets regulatory compliance obligations
  • Uses good management practices, and
  • Creates meaningful opportunities for public participation.


Policy Statement

The Resource Recovery Division recognizes the responsibility to protect the environment and public health focusing on products for beneficial reuse by:

  • Meeting or exceeding compliance obligations
  • Seeking continual improvement 
  • Promoting positive relations with interested parties
  • Protecting the environment, including prevention of pollution

Approved by: Whit Wheeler – Raleigh Water Director



Christopher Sauls

Environment Management Systems
Gracelyn Sanders



Lead Department:
Service Categories:
Water Treatment