Volunteer Programs

The city of Raleigh offers opportunities to serve

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Volunteer Program Annual Report Police Volunteer Program Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Volunteer Programs Stormwater Foster Grandparent Program Volunteer Raleigh City Boards, Commissions and Committees Greenway Volunteer Program

If you are looking for a meaningful opportunity to use your time and talent to benefit the community, the City of Raleigh can help. The City welcomes the assistance of volunteers in a number of roles.

Volunteer Program Annual Report

View FY2018


Police Volunteer Program

Volunteers work with the Raleigh Police Department to provide security patrols in parks, take crime reports by phone and perform data entry, among other duties. Volunteers receive training and must serve at least 15 hours per month.

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Volunteer Programs

The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Volunteer Program enlists individuals and groups to assist with park plantings, trail maintenance, special events, youth athletics, recreation classes, English as a second language (ESL) and the Adopt-a-Park program. Volunteers make a lasting contribution to the community through their service.


Are you interested in protecting local waterways from pollution? Become a stormwater volunteer

Foster Grandparent Program

Foster Grandparents provide one-on-one support services to children with special needs. They receive training and a small stipend. To be eligible, you must be 55 and over and meet income requirements.

Volunteer Raleigh

Volunteer Raleigh is a city sponsored volunteer management program that provides opportunities to citizens age 18 and older to connect with partnering community agencies and organizations throughout Raleigh and Wake County. Volunteers provide more than 118,000 hours of service to over 50 nonprofit and public agencies, which saves the community approximately $ 2.6 million.

City Boards, Commissions and Committees

Citizens serve on a number of boards, commissions and committees by appointment of the Raleigh City Council. Learn more about this opportunity.

Greenway Volunteer Program

The Raleigh Police Department in partnership with the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department coordinates a Greenway Volunteer Program for the safety, security, and protection of greenway users, park resources, and the surrounding natural areas.



Housing and Neighborhoods


Lead Department:
Housing and Neighborhoods
Service Categories:
Neighborhood Services

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