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Redistricting: Following the 2020 Census

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Previous City Council District Map Redistricting Scenario 1 Redistricting Scenario 2 Redistricting Scenario 3 Three Ways You Can Provide Input

New Maps Adopted – March 1, 2022

At the City Council meeting on March 1, 2022, a public hearing was held and the new Council District boundaries outlined in Scenario 2 below were adopted by Resolution 2022-339. More information can be found on BoardDocs about that meeting including the agenda item and meeting minutes.

The City updated iMAPS with the new districts immediately upon adoption. Anyone can check the district for an address there, or on our Find Your Services page.

The new Council Districts are in effect and will first be used for the November 8, 2022 election. Upcoming election information can be found with the Wake County Board of Elections. The filing period to run for a seat on Raleigh's Council, including at-large seats and Mayor, is open July 1-15, 2022. Candidates can file their Notice of Candidacy following the procedures outlined by the Board of Elections here.

Adoption Process

Redistricting is the process of redrawing council districts. Redistricting is a complex process involving population demography data, legal guidance and community interests. The City is required to redistrict every ten years following the decennial census if, upon receipt of the census information, the City Council districts are not found to be substantially equal in population so that each person’s vote carries about the same weight.

North Carolina law specifically requires that the population of each district not vary by more than five percent of the ideal population. The ideal population is determined by taking the City’s total population and dividing it by the number of City Council districts.  Following the 2020 Census, the City’s ideal City Council district population is 93,533 people per district.   

District A was found to be out of compliance with the five percent variation requirement, and District B was close to becoming out of compliance.  Based on the 2020 Census information, the current population of each district and the percentage that each district varies from the ideal population is as follows: 



% Variance 


-10 percent


4.7 percent


1.5 percent 


1.1 percent


1.5 percent 

What other criteria is the City using to create the proposed redistricting maps? 

During the November 2, 2021 City Council meeting, City Council approved a motion whereby they acknowledged the need to correct this population imbalance. Additionally, they directed that the following widely accepted criteria be used by City staff to create the proposed redistricting maps: 

  • Contiguity - All parts of a City Council district shall be composed of contiguous voting precincts, such that all parts of the district should be connected to each other.
  • Compactness - Ensure that the constituency of each district is reasonably well-related, geographically within as compact an area as reasonably achievable. 
  • Preserve Communities of Interest - Keep existing neighborhoods and areas with common interests together whenever possible. 
  • Avoid Pairing Incumbents - Avoid creating City Council districts that force existing Councilmembers to run against each other during the November 2022 Election. 
  • Consideration of Future Growth - Analyze where future annexation is likely to occur in the next ten years, which could increase a City Council district’s population prior to the next decennial census.


Previous City Council District Map

Redistricting - Current District Map 2021

The map above displays the Council Districts as they existed, which are composed of Voting Precincts defined in the Adopting Resolution 2011-380 effective June 7, 2011, which established our Council Districts following the 2010 Census. Lighter shaded areas are parts of a Voting Precinct that would be in the matching Council District if they were annexed into the City.


How are the proposed redistricting maps being developed and evaluated? 

City Council directed City staff to use the criteria listed above to create three separate maps for public comment. The input was gathered and analyzed by the Study Group tasked with examining City Council terms, compensation, and voter engagement.

The City created three district map options for public comment.

As you scroll through this page you will see several static images giving you an overview of the proposed redistricting options. We also created an interactive set of maps to help demonstrate the changes being recommended. 

View the Interactive Maps of Redistricting Options

Redistricting Scenario 1

Redistricting - Redrawn Scenario 1

Scenario 1 offers the least change possible to bring the districts into balance. In this scenario, one Voting Precinct moves from District A to District B to correct the population imbalance and one Voting Precinct moves from District B to District A to improve the compactness of the two districts. 

Existing Council Districts and Proposed Districts - Scenario 1 

Redistricting - Side by Side Scenario One
redistricting summary scenario 1


Redistricting Scenario 2

Redistricting - Redrawn Scenario 2

Scenario 2 starts with Scenario 1 and offers additional changes. More future growth area in the northeast is assigned from District C to District B. District B also takes in more area north of 540 while losing the Brentwood neighborhood to District A. District C gains neighborhoods between Capital Boulevard and New Hope Road such as Starmount. Neighborhoods north of Wade Avenue are consolidated into District E rather than being split. These and other changes balance population but leave more room for growth in District B. This alternative has the lowest deviation from ideal population, with no district more than 2.2 percent away from ideal. 

Existing Council Districts and Proposed Districts - Scenario 2 

Redistricting - Side by Side Scenario 2
redistricting summary


Redistricting Scenario 3

Redistricting Scenario Three

Scenario 3 is similar to Scenario 2, but makes further changes to District E. Under this alternative, District E gains all the neighborhoods around Umstead Park, but in turn loses some inside-the-beltline neighborhoods, such as Drewry Hills to District A. Currently, both Districts A and B are entirely outside the 440 loop; under this alternative, this would remain true only for District B.

Existing Council Districts and Proposed Districts - Scenario 3 

Redistricting Side by Side Scenario 3
scenario 3 of council redistricting


Three Ways You Can Provide Input

There are three ways to provide input on the redistricting maps.  

***These public input opportunities have concluded. The final opportunity to voice your opinion was at the public hearing on March 1.

  1. Attend a Study Group Meeting. City residents and organizations that have expertise in redistricting are invited to sign-up and speak at a Study Group Meeting, particularly at the virtual meetings on December 2 and 16.
  2. Email comments to the Study Group by January 12.
  3. Four additional meetings were held to gather public input on the redistricting maps and the proposed recommendations for City Council terms and compensation:
    - December 6 at Chavis Community Center
    - December 8 at Laurel Hills Community Center
    - December 15 at Green Road Community Center
    - January 5 via Zoom

How will the City use the feedback? 

The feedback gathered will be analyzed by the Study Group previously appointed to review City Council terms, compensation, and voter engagement. The Study Group will compile a report that will be given to City Council for their consideration. 

What is the process for getting a new district map adopted?

The North Carolina General Assembly required that the City adopt a map with the new districts on or before March 31, 2022. In order to comply with this deadline, the Study Group provided a report to the City Council at its February 1, 2022 meeting which explains what the Study Group heard from the public, as well as a list of the pros and cons of each proposed map. Following the February 1, 2022 meeting, City Council held a public hearing on the redistricting maps, adopting Scenario 2 from the proposed maps by the March 31, 2022 deadline.   




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222 W. Hargett St.
Raleigh, NC 27601

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