Taxi Fares

Fares are set by the City of Raleigh

As of May 1, 2024, the cost to take a taxi in Raleigh is as follows:

  • Fee to start a ride will increase to $3 (from $1.95)
  • Per-mile rate will increase to $3 (from $2.50)
  • Per-minute wait time fee will increase to 30 cents (from 25 cents) 

The changes don’t affect rideshare companies, such as Uber and Lyft.

The City sets the base fare and mileage rates for the cab companies that operate in Raleigh. These fares were last changed in 2006. 

In 2023, the Raleigh Police Department began benchmarking taxi rates from across the state and country as part of a review of the taxi fee structure within the city. RPD conducted an extensive examination of other cities’ rates and organized informational meetings with taxi owners and drivers. The new rates are a result of that work.



Senior Officer W.B. Edwards

Related Services:
Taxi Regulations
