Special Assessment and Public Nuisance Abatement Information

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Billing Inquiries Assessment Lien Searches Roadway and Utility Assessment Calculations Public Nuisance Abatements

State statutes allow the City of Raleigh to pass a portion of the cost of street, sidewalk and utility improvements to abutting property owners in the form of a special assessment. Property owners can also be assessed for the full cost of sidewalk repairs and for the removal of public health nuisances. In each case, property owners are notified of the city's intent to assess their property and given the opportunity to speak at a public hearing before the assessments or public nuisance abatements are adopted by the City Council. Once an assessment or public nuisance abatement is adopted, it becomes a lien against the property.

Billing Inquiries

For assessment or public nuisance abatement billing inquiries, please contact Revenue Services at 919-996-3200.

Assessment Lien Searches

The Revenue Services Division maintains a list of properties that have current or pending assessment and public nuisance abatement liens. To see if there are assessment or public nuisance liens on a property, view Assessment Liens.

Roadway and Utility Assessment Calculations

For information on the calculation of assessments for street, sidewalk, or utility improvements, or to get information on recent and upcoming assessment hearings contact an Assessment Specialist at 919-996-5575. To see which assessment rolls have been recently been confirmed, or are scheduled for confirmation, view Recent & Upcoming Assessment Hearings.

Public Nuisance Abatements

For information on the calculation of public nuisance abatements, please contact the Housing/Environmental Inspections Division at 919-996-2444.



Donetta Powell


Lead Department:
Service Categories:
Mobility Strategy and Infrastructure