Walk to School Activities

October is International Walk to School Month!

October is International Walk to School Month!

October 7 is Walk to School Day. A day that brings parents, teachers, children and community leaders together to focus on the importance of physical activity, safety and walkable communities. The resources below are to help plan, advertise, and implement a successful Walk to School Day activities.

Coordinator's Toolkit: Outlines key safety skills; Tips to make Walk to School Month last all year; Activity and Incentive examples; Creating a walk to school map; Organizing a walking school bus.

Lesson Plans:
Kindergarten Activities
Grades 1-2
Grades 3-4
Grades 5-6
Grades 7-8
Activities: Crossword Puzzle, Coloring Page, Word Find

Please contact Kenneth Withrow for help with advertising your Wake County Walk to School event and to get in touch with your municipality contact.

Service Categories:
Mobility Strategy and Infrastructure
Related Services:
Pedestrian Program
