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2022 Traffic Calming Project Group
The neighborhood engagement and preliminary design portion of this process has been completed and 15 neighborhoods throughout Raleigh voted YES to move the proposed projects for their street from concept drawings to reality.
At the February 7, 2023 Council meeting, Council approved the authorization for the 15 streets listed below to move into the construction phase of the process.
Project Timeline Update
The contract bid award has been granted to Lanier Construction. The Notice to Proceed with construction activity has been issued with an effective start date of October 7, 2024. This is a 12-month contract where all 15 projects must be substantially completed before the end of the contract period.
Stay up to date on construction activity! Visit our Traffic Calming Projects - In Construction page to view the project's construction schedule. Please note that construction times may change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.
Plans in Construction:
Country Trail: from Troutman Ln to Leesville Rd
Country Trail Map (Speed humps added)
Dixie Trail: from Hillsborough St to Wade Ave
Dixie Trail Map (Speed humps, Curb bump outs, Speed tables, and Neighborhood traffic circles added)
White Oak Road – N: from Anderson Dr to Lassiter Mill Rd
White Oak Road Map (Speed cushions added)
Bertie Drive: from New Bern Ave to Chatham Ln
Bertie Drive Map (Speed cushions added)
Mine Shaft Road: from Lead Mine Rd to Sawmill Rd
Mine Shaft Road ( Neighborhood traffic circle and Speed cushions added)
Dixon Drive: from North Hills Dr to W. Millbrook Rd
Dixon Drive Map (Speed humps added)
Quail Ridge Road: from Falls of Neuse Rd to Spring Forest Rd
Quail Ridge Road Map ( Neighborhood traffic circle and Speed cushions added)
Sierra Drive – W: from Lineberry Rd to Lake Wheeler Rd
Sierra Drive Map (Speed cushions added)
Slippery Elm Drive: from Creech Rd to Maidenhair Dr
Slippery Elm Drive Map (Neighborhood traffic circle and speed humps added)
Thorpshire Drive: from Falls of Neuse Rd to Colesbury Dr
Thorpshire Drive Map (Speed humps added)
Jacqueline Lane: from Capital Blvd to Berkshire Downs Dr
Jacqueline Lane Map (Speed cushions added)
Wild Wood Forest Drive: from Wadford Dr to Thornton Rd
Wild Wood Map (Neighborhood traffic circle, improved pedestrian crossing, multiway stop conversion, and speed humps added)
Willow Oak Road: from N New Hope Rd to Southall Rd
Willow Oak Map (Speed humps added)
Cooper Road: from Poole Rd to Little John Rd
Cooper Road Map (Neighborhood traffic circle, multiway stop conversion, and speed cushions added)
Mackinac Island Lane – N: Marshlane Way to Barrington Dr
Mackinac Island Map (Neighborhood traffic circles and speed cushions added)