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UDO Rule Change Process
Status: Approved
Remaining Process:
- Proposed changes were heard by Planning Commission on March 14, 2023.
- Planning Commission made a recommendation for approval to the City Council.
- The public hearing for the proposed changes was held by the City Council on April 18, 2023. City Council approved the changes at that meeting.
View the Proposed UDO Changes and provided comments.
Why is this change being made?
The State of NC adopted updated Neuse Rules as of April 1, 2020. This included a requirement for local governments to submit updated local programs, including proposed ordinance changes. The City’s program was approved in November of 2022, with a requirement that the new ordinance language be adopted by May of 2023. The State’s Neuse Rules can be found on the DEQ Neuse Nutrient Strategy website.
As development occurs, additional built-upon area increases stormwater runoff and nutrient loads in that stormwater. These nutrients can have detrimental effects downstream by causing increased risk of algal blooms. Stormwater control measures help to mitigate these increased loads, thus protecting water quality.
Effective Date: May 1, 2023
Summary of Text Changes
- Stormwater nutrient compliance calculations throughout the City of Raleigh require use of SNAP Tool. NCDEQ released SNAP v4.2 in late March 2023. The current version of the tool can be found on the DEQ Nutrient Practices and Crediting website under Stormwater Nutrient Accounting Tools. Stormwater control measure (SCM) designs are required to use the current NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual, which includes the Minimum Design Criteria (MDCs).
- Existing development (pre-2001) can simply be excluded from the calculation, rather than using the apportioning method.
- The term Built Upon Area (BUA) is incorporated into Article 9.2 of the UDO. It is synonymous with impervious area.
- For sites with over 24% Built Upon Area (BUA), a primary SCM is required on-site before off-site credits can be purchased.
- The grandfathered lot provisions in UDO 9.2.2.A only apply to lots that are not part of a common plan of development. This puts some small developments into traditional stormwater requirements (UDO 9.2.2.B through H).
Written Guidance from City of Raleigh
View the written guidance for submitting new calculations to the City.
The written guidance makes reference the City Nutrient Summary Sheet(s).
- All project need to submit the New Neuse Rules Nutrient Worksheet.
- Projects using Method B also need to submit a second worksheet.
- For an Excel file containing these worksheets, please email Donnell Perry at donnell.perry@raleighnc.gov.
Webinar from the City
The City hosted a webinar titled “Submitting Nutrient Calculations to the City of Raleigh” on April 20, 2023 to review the new rules and give guidance on how to submit the new calculations to the City. This was not a SNAP tool training session – designers should seek SNAP tool training from NCDEQ.
View the presentation slides from the webinar. (PDF)
Webinar Recording
Note: A piece of incorrect information was included in the webinar. Sites must treat 100% of the new BUA. The webinar stated 95%, but upon consultation with NCDEQ, the City was informed this must be 100%.
Stormwater Webinar: Submitting Nutrient Calculations to the City
SNAP Tool Training from NCDEQ
On March 27, 2023 NCDEQ offered a free one-our workshop titled “Introduction to the Stormwater Nitrogen and Phosphorus Tool (SNAP version 4.2)”. This is a helpful introduction for anyone using the SNAP tool, including any designer who submits stormwater plans to the City of Raleigh.