Trash and Litter

Help keep our local waterways clean

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Everyday Tips Practices for Professionals

Trash and other debris that isn't thrown away or recycled can go directly from storm drains on the street to streams and creeks in Raleigh. Pollution like this isn't good for the environment and ecosystems in our area.

If you see stormwater pollution, call the Stormwater Helpline at 919-996-3940 or send an email to

Bottles, paper, and other trash in a stream at Apollo Heights Park

Bottles, paper, and other trash in a stream.

Everyday Tips

  • Always cover trash cans and dumpsters; 
  • Make sure trash cans aren't leaking; 
  • Pick up and throw away trash that you see on the ground; and,
  • Recycle right and recycle more! 

Practices for Professionals

Do you work with waste collection vehicles and equipment? Follow these practices to properly dispose of trash and litter so that it doesn't make its way into the stormwater system. You'll protect the environment and help us meet permit requirements. 

  1. Regularly service and repair waste collection vehicles and equipment. 
  2. Carry spill response details with you. Contact us if you can't contain the spill. (919-996-3940 or
  3. Check the area for overflows during collection. 
  4. Make sure waste material is secure while you complete your route. 
  5. Dispose of waste material at the right locations. (i.e. a landfill)
  6. Make sure vehicles are completely unloaded at the end of your shift. 
  7. Don't sweep litter or debris into the stormwater system or waterways. 



Zachary Poole
Illegal Discharge Coordinator

Engineering Services
Service Categories:
Related Services:
Spot, Report, and Stop Water Pollution
