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City Services
City of Raleigh Preparation
Clearing Streets
Debris Removal
GoRaleigh Transit
Power Outage & 9-1-1
Road Preps
Solid Waste Services
Fallen Trees on Private Property
Tree Removal

City Services

City of Raleigh Preparation

Clearing Streets

Debris Removal

GoRaleigh Transit

Power Outage & 9-1-1

Road Preps

Solid Waste Services

Fallen Trees on Private Property

Tree Removal
Quick Tips
- Do not drive unless necessary.
- If you must drive, be sure your fuel tank is full.
- When driving or walking, be careful on ice, be aware of black ice and reduce your speed.
- Keep an emergency kit in your car. Winter items for your car include hand warmers, anti-freeze (one gallon), chains or snow tires, extra blankets and sleeping bags, extra snow or ice scraper, snow shovel, windshield washer fluid, extra winter clothing (hats, jackets, coats, mittens, and boots), and a bag of sand in the the trunk to help tires with traction.
- If exposed to cold weather, watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia. These include slurred speech, confusion, shivering that will not stop, or body temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Seek medical attention for persons showing these symptoms.
- Be careful with candles. Power outages, along with colder weather, greatly increase the use of candles in the home. Keep candles away from combustible materials. Never leave children unattended in a room with lit candles. Keep candles, matches, and lighters out of the reach of children.
- Inspect fireplaces and wood stoves. Have your chimney connection and flues inspected by a professional and cleaned if necessary prior to the start of every heating season.
- Use a sturdy screen or door in front of your fireplace.
- Burn only wood, never paper, including discarded gift wrap or pine boughs.
- Check smoke detectors.
- Be aware of over-use of electrical outlets. Do not overload electrical outlets and be careful of extension cords that present hazardous walkways.
- Have one or more working fire extinguishers in your home. The City of Raleigh Fire Department will provide training on how to use fire extinguishers. Call 919-996-6392 for more information.
Dressing For the Season
Wear multiple layers of thin clothing instead of a single layer of thick clothing. You'll be warmer and you can easily remove layers to remain comfortable.
- Wear a hat; most body heat is lost through the top of the head.
- Mittens are warmer than gloves.
- Cover your mouth with scarves to protect lungs from directly inhaling the extremely cold air.
Winter storm Insurance Tips
For winter storm insurance tips, check out the N.C. Department of Insurance web page.