Raleigh skyline with stormy sky

Ready Raleigh Guide Workbook

Emergency Preparedness

There are three ways to use this page. 

  • You can print this webpage and fill in the information or check off your list.
  • You can have this page open on your computer or phone and check off the list.
  • You can download and/or print the entire Ready Raleigh Guide and Workbook.

Utility Companies

Keep track of important utility contacts in a chart like this: 

Name Phone Number Service

Duke Energy Progress


report fallen power lines
    your electric company
    your cable company
    your phone company
    your gas company
emergency checklist

Make a plan

Planning for emergencies will help ensure everyone in your household will know what to expect and what to do in case a disaster strikes.

A basic plan should include:

  • __Contact information
    • __ For all members of the household, include work and school numbers
    • __ In-area emergency network contacts (friends/family/neighbors)
    • __ Out-of-area contacts
  • __ Health and medical information
    • __ Allergies
    • __ Lists of medications and prescriptions
    • __ Blood types
    • __ Doctor and pharmacy phone numbers
    • __ Information about special needs:
      • __ Equipment, devices and supplies
      • __ Special medical or other requirements
      • __ Health and disability information
      • __ Pet names and rabies vaccination numbers
  • __ Designated meeting place in case a disaster occurs when household members are not at hom
  • __ Evacuation plans
    • __ Where will you go?
    • How will you get there?

Check to see if your home is at risk of flooding in case of a heavy rain event - North Carolina Flood Risk-Information System

Document your plan and keep a copy of it in your emergency kit. Templates for family disaster plans can be found at

emergency supplies

Build a kit

Keeping an emergency preparedness kit in your home can help your household be ready for a variety of emergencies. An  emergency kit should provide supplies for your household for three days without power. The kit should be kept in a sturdy bag.  Rethink your needs every year and update your kit as your family’s needs change.

For more information on building an emergency kit go to: 


  • __ Emergency supplies
    • __ Flashlight
    • __ Extra batteries
    • __ First aid kit
    • __ Sanitation supplies - hand sanitizer, garbage bags, moist towelettes, plastic ties
    • __ Manual can opener
    • __ Whistle - to signal for help
    • __ Dust masks - in case of air contamination
    • __ Back-up batteries - for charging mobile phones
    • __ Food - Keep at least a three-day supply of non-perishable (canned or boxed) food     
    • __ Water - Keep one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation
    • __ Battery powered or crank weather radio - NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards is a nationwide network of radio stations - find nearest National Weather Service office

Raleigh Water Tip

If you are on City of Raleigh water supply, even if power is lost it is unlikely that water service will stop. The City’s water plants have numerous backup systems and generators. They are also elevated to ensure that the water supply is not contaminated with floodwater. It is a good idea to have a backup water supply at home during a storm but consider storing tap water in bottles or freezing tap water in plastic bags. That way if the power goes out, the bags of ice will keep your frozen items protected and can be used for drinking water once thawed. This is also cheaper than purchasing bottled water.

Additional emergency supplies

  • __ Necessary prescription medications
  • __ Non-prescription medications such as pain relievers, anti-diarrhea medication, antacids or laxatives
  • __ Glasses and contact lens solution
  • __ Infant formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream
  • __ Pet food and extra water for your pet
  • __ Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person
  • __ Change of clothing appropriate for your climate and sturdy shoes
  • __ Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper to disinfect water
  • __ Fire extinguisher
  • __ Personal hygiene items such as soap, toothpaste, sanitary napkins, etc
  • __ Mess kits, paper cups, plates, paper towels and plastic utensils
  • __ Paper and pencil
  • __ Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children


It is also a good idea to keep copies of important documents in your emergency kit. Keeping them handy will ensure they stay with you in case you need to evacuate your home. Additionally, saving digital copies in a secure and password-protected cloud server or other secure location will ensure you can access them in case items in your home are damaged or destroyed.

  • __ Copies of identification
    • __ Driver’s licenses
    • __ Birth certificates
    • __ Passport
    • __ Social security cards
  • __ Copies of insurance policies
    • __ Renters/homeowners insurance
    • __ Medical/dental/prescription insurance cards
  • Financial statements and bank account records (contact information, account numbers and online login information)
    • __ Mortgage records
    • __ Car loans
    • __ Retirement accounts 
    • __ Utility accounts
    • __ Credit cards
    • __ Brokerage firms
    • __ Student and other loans
  • __ Legal documents
    • __ Car registration and title
    • __ Property deeds
    • __ Wills
    • __ Health-care proxy and/or power of attorney
  • __ Home inventory including receipts or appraisals for major purchase
  • __ Cash or traveler’s check
  • __ Utility account information
    • __ Account numbers and online login information

Keep track of important household emergency contacts in a chart like this: 

Name Contact Information Check-in Plan
Service Categories:
Emergency Management
Related Services:
Emergency Preparedness - Ready Raleigh Guide
