Camp Pond Dam


Camp Pond Dam

Ongoing Dam Investigations

We are assessing Camp Pond Dam, located on Richland Drive, and will propose safety improvements to make sure the dam complies with all North Carolina Dam Safety (NCDS) regulations.

Project Details

Project Lead:
Stormwater Management
AECOM (Study), CDM Smith (Design)



Greg Marshall
Senior Engineer

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Service Unit:




The Camp Pond Dam engineering Report was finalized in November 2023. View the Executive Summary. (PDF)

Public Meetings

We held a public meeting April 2023 to receive feedback and concerns from the public with the presented study findings and the recommended improvements.

Alternative 1, which includes keeping the dam, will be the alternative moving forward based of feedback from the public and the Stormwater Management Advisory Commission. 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


The City is working with the consultant, CDM Smith, to create project design plans for the dam improvements. The design will keep the lake, improve safety, and reduce the risk of road flooding in a large storm event.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Fall 2024Planning Phase Complete
Fall 2025Design Phase Complete
Early 2026Construction Begins


In 1967 Dam Safety Law was put into place as a nationwide program. There are public and privately-owned dams in both the City and state. There are minimum dam safety regulations with privately-owned dams, and some of these dams were built before the law was put into place; therefore, most privately owned dams are not up to current standards. Currently, the state has a program that inspects and rates dams. In addition, the City completes a priority ranking list of the dams that need repair. Camp Pond Dam has moved up the priority ranking, and funding available to study and repair the dam.