A community garden for Barwell Road Park was a priority set in the Barwell Road Park Master Plan, approved by City Council in 2017. Future development of the park is guided by this Master Plan, which establishes a long-term vision for the park property. The community garden is a continuation of the development of the park, which has occurred in phases over the past several years.
Community Garden construction will consist of approximately 6,000 square feet of garden space and will include an extension of the existing sidewalk, new fencing, two ADA-accessible parking spaces along Barwell Park Road, water service for a yard hydrant, and associated grading and site improvements.
Barwell Community Garden Illustrative Site Plan
Raleigh Parks is excited to partner with the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle as we establish a Community Garden program. Food Shuttle will provide their expertise to guide Raleigh Parks in partnership with community groups to establish and sustain Community Gardens on Parks properties. In January 2024, phase one of this collaboration will focus on Barwell Road Park, targeting planting in the Spring. Please direct all inquiries to Health and Wellness Program Director Ainsley Worrell at Ainsley.Worrell@raleighnc.gov.
The City of Raleigh is very excited to have its first Community Garden within a park! For more information about the work the city is doing regarding community gardens and agriculture, please visit the Gardens and Urban Agriculture webpage.
Project Details
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