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Designation Documents
Period of Significance: 1855 - 1953
Prince Hall is Raleigh’s first African American and mixed use local historic district.
Special Character Essay
What is a Special Character Essay?
A special character essay guides the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) design review process. It is a physical neighborhood description, noting important architectural and site features. It also describes common historic development patterns and spatial relationships. Each of Raleigh’s local historic districts has its own unique essay. To read a general history of the neighborhood, see the designation report linked above.
Read the Prince Hall Special Character Essay.
National Register of Historic Places
This National Register district map is for illustrative purposes only and is not the official zoning map, which is maintained in iMaps.
Some of the properties located in the Prince Hall HOD are also listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) as a part of the East Raleigh-South Park National Register Historic District (NRHD). It has different rules, benefits, designation processes, and sometimes boundaries.
Contributing properties in the East Raleigh-South Park National Register Historic District may be eligible for the federal and state historic tax credit programs. Visit the Historic Property Tax Credit webpage for more information.