Custom Signage Plans

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Before Submitting an Application Prepare Application Materials Submittal Instructions Paying Fees Project Review and Permitting Additional Information

A Custom Signage Plan sets specific signage regulations within a defined geographic area. The Custom Signage Plan can identify sign types, dimensions, locations, quantities, materials, technologies, and other elements/characteristics. 

Before Submitting an Application

The property or properties subject to the Custom Signage Plan must be zoned Planned Development District or Campus District or meet the requirements of Sec. 10.2.21.B, a. through c., which are detailed below:

  1. Minimum of 8 acres in size; and 
  2. A development constructed to accommodate at least:
    1. 3 non-residential establishments; and
    2. 100 dwelling units as part of a Household Living use or 100 rooms as part of an Overnight Lodging use.
  3. Meet at least one of the following criteria:
    1. Zoned with an Urban Frontage; or
    2. Front on an approved Streetscape Plan; or
    3. Located within a City Growth Center or Frequent Transit Area as designated in the Comprehensive Plan.

Initiating the Request:

  1. Only property owners within the intended area of application may initiate a request for a Custom Signage Plan.
  2. Pre-Application Conference:
    1. Before submitting an application for a Custom Signage Plan, the applicant must arrange a pre-application conference with staff. This meeting is to discuss the procedures, standards, and regulations necessary for approval.
  3. Neighborhood Meeting Requirement:
    1. A pre-submittal neighborhood meeting is mandatory for all Custom Signage Plan applications, except when the City is the applicant. The applicant must organize a meeting to engage nearby property owners and residents. The meeting location should be at or near the proposed Custom Signage Plan area.
    2. Notice of the neighborhood meeting must be provided in accordance with Sec. 10.2.1.C.1., however the applicable radius shall be measured 100 feet from the proposed Custom Signage Plan area. The City of Raleigh Label Maker is a helpful resource that can be used to identify addresses within 100 feet of the proposed custom sign plan area. View the template of the neighborhood meeting notification letter.
    3. Meeting notices must be mailed at least ten (10) and no more than twenty-five (25) days before the meeting. The applicant may deliver addressed, stamped envelopes containing the meeting notice to City staff. Staff verifies the information and addresses and places the notices in the mail. These envelopes must be provided to staff at least 3 business days prior to the mailing deadline. 
    4. The applicant may choose to send the meeting notices by certified mail. If this delivery method is used, the delivery certification must be submitted to staff with the rezoning application. Applicants should consult UDO Section 10.2.1.C.5 "Content of Notice” for the required contents of mailed notice. 
    5. The meeting may not occur more than 6 months prior to the submittal of the application.

Prepare Application Materials

The below application forms and supporting documents are required for a custom signage plan:

  • Custom Signage Plan Application and Checklist
    • Supplemental documents
    • Custom signage plan application property owner signatures (original signatures)
    • Neighborhood Meeting Summary of Issues
    • Two sets of postage-paid addressed envelopes with City of Raleigh return addresses
    • Filing Fees

Submittal Instructions

Please send a PDF of the entire Custom Signage Plan Application packet (with all documents) to and the hard copy to:
One Exchange Plaza, Suite 500
Raleigh NC 27610.

Paying Fees

The Development Fee Guide provides a detailed list of specific development fees.  

A  fee calculator may be used to obtain an estimate of some building and trade permit fees.

Project Review and Permitting

Staff Review

Once the application accepted planning staff along with reviewers from various City departments such as Engineering Services, Transportation, and Public Utilities will review the Custom Signage Plan application in accordance with UDO Sec. 10.2.21.I.1.    The applicant will receive a letter notifying them of the reviewers’ comments and whether they need to provide any new materials. Staff will review the Custom Signage Plan application in accordance and provide a report and recommendation to the Design Review Commission. 

Planning Commission Action

The Planning Commission, or Design Review Commission performing the review duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by City Council) shall hold a hearing on the request. When conducting a review of a Custom Signage Plan application, the Planning Commission, or Design Review Commission performing the review duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by City Council) shall advise and comment on whether the proposed action is consistent with any comprehensive plan that has been adopted, and any other applicable adopted plan. 

Within 60 days of receiving the application, either the Planning Commission or the Design Review Commission (acting in place of the Planning Commission as designated by the City Council) must submit a written report to the City Council. If no recommendation is made within this timeframe and no extension is granted, the City Council may proceed to take action on the application without additional input from the Planning Commission or the Design Review Commission (acting in place of the Planning Commission as designated by the City Council).

City Council Hearing and Action

After receiving a recommendation from the Planning Commission or the Design Review Commission (acting as designated by the City Council), or if the Commission review period expires without a recommendation, the City Council will schedule a legislative hearing. A public hearing date will be set within 60 days after receiving the Commission's written report. Notice of the hearing will be given as per Sec. 10.1.8. For mailed notices, the radius will be 100 feet measured from the centerline of the street throughout the proposed Custom Signage Plan area. At the hearing, the Planning Director will present the request, including the Commission's recommendation and comments, if any. 

If the request was made by a member of the public, supporters of the Custom Signage Plan will have a total of 8 minutes to explain their support, and opponents will have 8 minutes to explain their opposition. The Council may, at its discretion, grant equal additional time to each side. The City Council will either approve, approve with revisions, deny, or send the proposed Custom Signage Plan back to the Planning Commission or the Design Review Commission (acting as designated by the City Council) or Planning Director for further review.

Modifications to an adopted Custom Signage Plan shall be considered a new application requiring full compliance with this section.

Additional Information

The following sign types cannot be modified under a custom signage plan (Sec. 10.2.21.C):

  • Prohibited signs (Sec. 7.3.15 – i.e., roof signs, flashing/strobe light signs)​
  • Landmark signs​
  • Private street signs​
  • Temporary signs​
  • Vehicle signs​
  • DX Digital Signs (i.e., sign plan can’t be used to get digital signs outside of DX)​

Additional limitations on custom signage plans (Sec. 10.2.21.G):​

No low, medium, or high-profile ground sign, or Tract ID sign shall exceed 15 feet in height (current allowed height for high profile), have more than 5 lines of copy, or exceed 100 square feet in area (ground signs are to direct vehicles, not pedestrians)​.

For wall signs; projecting sings; awning; gallery and marquee signs; and crown signs, no maximum sign area, size, or height may be increased more than 100% of the UDO maximums.

Signs allowed under a custom signage plan only.

  • Freestanding Channel Letter Ground Signs (Sec. 7.3.13.O)
  • Attached Channel Letter Signs (Sec. 7.3.13.P)



Questions? Contact the Current Planning Team!


Lead Department:
Planning and Development
Service Categories:
ZoningPermits - Zoning