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Registration Related Questions
My athlete is already competing at an advanced level. Can I register them for the next age group up?
We do not allow play-up or play-down requests in our leagues, unless there's a documented medical situation of some sort for a play-down request. We utilize the same age cutoff as WCPSS to ensure that our participants are playing with and against peers from their current grade level.
My account has been approved for a scholarship through Financial Assistance. How does that work?
Our financial assistance office will adjust the fees required in your Rectrac account. Once that has been completed, you can log in online or go to your nearest community center to make payment. Financial assistance deductions are automatically applied to your account once your application has been processed.
What is the birthdate cutoff for leagues?
August 31st of the current/upcoming school year.
Can my child play in any of the leagues or do I have to pick the one closest to my home/district?
We are excited to have you play and you are welcome to register for whichever location is most convenient. You can choose to play close to home, work, or school.
Are there gender restrictions for leagues?
As long as players meet the age requirements they are welcome to play in the league of their choosing. We are excited to have you play with us!
If my child can’t make the practices of their assigned team, but another team’s practice schedule works better for my participant, can they be switched to that team?
- In non-competitive leagues, we will see if another team has openings that better fit your schedules but there is no guarantee.
- In competitive leagues, due to teams being formed through assessments and drafts, we cannot accommodate schedule requests after players have been assigned.
Can my child still participate if they play on their school team?
Yes. We are happy to have you play with us.
If we decide not to participate and we have already paid, what is the process for starting a refund request?
Your eligibility for a refund is determined by the timing of the request. Our refund policy is as follows:
- When an activity is canceled by Raleigh Parks, fees are 100% refundable. Any participant wishing to withdraw from an activity or league must do so at least 14 days prior to the scheduled start of the activity or league. Refunds must be requested online through RecLink, by email to reclinksupport@raleighnc.gov, or provided in writing to the Recreation Business Office.
- Withdrawal and cancellation requests after the 14-day notice period will be granted, but no refund will be given – with the exception of approved medical or hardship cases. Medical and hardship cases are considered on a case-by-case basis and may require additional documentation.
- Non-attendance or non-participation in an activity does not entitle the patron to
a refund/credit.
Team Related Questions
My child would like to play with their (best friend, neighbor, classmate, cousin, favorite coach, etc), can we put them on the same team?
It will depend on the league your child is registered in.
- In our non-competitive leagues, we take special requests and will attempt to accommodate them, though they are not guaranteed.
- In our competitive leagues, all new players go through a draft and assessment process to balance teams as much as possible. Returning players to the same season, league, and location will return to the previous year's team.
I would like to coach our child’s team - how can I sign up?
Please make sure you indicate your intent to coach in the registration prompts when you register. We will also send our mandatory coaching application to the interested coach so they can complete our background check. Be sure to include the best email to use for contact when registering your child.
How are teams formed?
○ Non-competitive league teams are formed through special requests, returning players and age balancing.
○ Competitive league teams are formed through returning players and a skills assessment and draft process. Don’t be concerned, everyone is placed on a team which is why we call them “assessments” and not “cuts” or “tryouts”.
What if my child doesn’t come to assessments?
Players who miss assessments are randomly assigned to a team based on age balancing.
If I don’t want to return to the same team, can I go to another team?
Any requests to reenter the draft need to be submitted to the Athletic Program Manager who oversees that sport and the community center staff for the specific location.
- For Fast Pitch Softball - Zeb Alford
zebulon.alford@raleighnc.gov - For Baseball and Mini Softball - Mike Brito
michael.brito@raleighnc.gov - For Flag Football & Basketball - Jason Clemons
League Schedule, Season Format, and Structure
Is attending practices mandatory for being able to play in a game?
100% attendance is not required. However, it is detrimental to the team and your child’s ability to improve their skills if/when they miss practice. We have a mandatory play rule coaches must adhere to and players who don’t make practice typically don't get more than the minimum. Please make sure to communicate with your head coach in advance if you can't make team activities.
What is the overall league structure (i.e. who do we play)?
If registration numbers are large enough, leagues will make a game schedule that only includes teams at their location. At times when registration numbers are low, we will find league locations that are close to each other and combine them into the same game schedule. This allows for more parity in play and an overall better experience for the team involved.
What days are games on for my league location?
Days of play are determined by the number of teams in the league. The more teams we have the more nights of the week and weekends we may have to utilize to complete the season in a timely manner. All of our coaches are volunteers and one small perk to leading a team is being able to pick the practice days. Practice days will be determined once teams are formed and you are assigned to a coach.
When will I hear from the coach or know when practices will start?
Coaches will reach out to their parents and players the week prior to practices starting. For the upcoming season practices will begin (See timeline below). If you don't hear from your coach by the first day of practices please reach out to your league administrator that morning and we will ensure you don't miss anything.
What is the schedule for the upcoming Spring season? Need to know when the season starts and ends to plan around other activities. Updated seasonally.
Spring Baseball and Softball:
- Feb. 1-14 – Registration
- Feb. 20 – Parent Meetings
- Feb. 24-March 5 - Assessments
- March 10 – Practices begin
- April 7 – Games Begin
- Leagues are estimated to end in late May
Can my child play on the same team from the Fall season to the Spring season?
- Non-competitive league teams are formed through returning players, age balancing, and special requests.
- Competitive league teams are formed through returning players and a skills assessment and draft process. Don’t be concerned, everyone is placed on a team which is why we call them “assessments” and not “cuts”.
- Returning players are those returning to the same age group, playing at the same location, in the same season. There is no crossover from spring to fall.
How/when is the practice schedule finalized?
All of our coaches are volunteers and one small perk to leading a team is being able to pick the practice days. Practice days will be determined once teams are formed and you are assigned to a coach. Coaches will have their practice schedules available when they reach out to you to introduce themselves the week(s) before they begin. Depending on registration numbers, sites may combine to create a better experience for their athletes.
If I played in a league that merged last year, where should I sign up this year?
Our hope is that every league has a large enough registration to stand alone. Please register at the site you want to practice and play games.
What color will my child’s jersey be and what color shorts should they wear?
We don't have that information until teams are formed. Coaches will have that information when they reach out to you with your teams practice schedule. Please ask your coach at that time.
What equipment/gear does my child need?
- Baseball/Softball: Players need to bring their own glove and protective cup. All other required equipment is provided by the City to your head coach. Some players choose to bring their own equipment. Personal equipment cannot be shared between players. Cleats and baseball/softball pants are encouraged but not required.
- Basketball: Players need to have their own athletic shoes and athletic shorts. All other required equipment is provided to your head coach for the team to use.
- The City of Raleigh is not responsible for any damage or loss to personal equipment.
Adult League Related Questions
For adult leagues, what’s included in the team fee? Do we have to pay/reserve facilities for practice? How to register as a free agent?
Our adult league team fee includes the regular season and playoffs. Adult teams are responsible for their own equipment and jerseys. Adult softball teams provide their own game balls. The City provides game balls in Adult Basketball and Adult Baseball. The team fee also covers field space for practices and games and officials.
How to form/join an adult team?
Individuals who are representing an adult team (“team captains”) interested in playing in our leagues need to register online at reclink.raleighnc.gov and pay the team fee within the 14 day registration window. If they have additional questions please have them reach out to the athletics office at 919-996-6836.
How can I be a free agent so I can possibly be picked up by an adult league team?
If you’d like to be a free agent, please contact the Athletics Office at 919-996-6836 to be placed on our “Free Agent” list. This list is shared with existing captains who need extra players or if it gets large enough we create teams.