Board of Adjustment
More Information
The Raleigh Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body that conducts evidentiary hearings on requests for variances, special use permits, and appeals from administrative decisions regarding the city’s zoning ordinances. Its decisions are final and may be appealed to the superior court by writ of certiorari.
The board consists of eight members: four regular members and two alternate members are appointed to two-year terms by the City Council and must reside within the city limits; one regular member and one alternate are appointed by Wake County Commissioners and must reside within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Meeting Information
Current Agenda - March 10, 2025
Meeting Dates
A public meeting of the Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Monday, March 10, 2025, at 9 a.m.
Raleigh Municipal Building
222 West Hargett Street
City Council Chamber
Filing Calendar
The Board typically meets on the second Monday of each month at 1 p.m. Meeting agendas are added to the BoardDocs agenda management portal. To watch past meetings, visit our video services page.
What is a Variance?
A variance, per UDO Section 10.2.10, is intended to provide relief where the strict application of a UDO provision would result in unnecessary hardship. Variances are not granted to remove inconveniences. Please note certain UDO provisions may not be varied including allowed land uses and use standards set forth in Chapter 6.
What is a Special Use Permit?
Special Use Permits, per UDO Section 10.2.9, are for uses that may be appropriate within a particular zoning district, but because of the increased potential for incompatibility with adjacent uses, the use is only allowed upon the presentation of competent, material, and substantial evidence establishing compliance with one or more standards set forth in the UDO.
What is an Appeal?
Any person with standing under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160D-1402(c), or the City of Raleigh, may file an appeal of any decision, order, requirement, or determination relating to the interpretation, compliance, or application of this UDO made by an administrative official charged with the administration and enforcement of the provisions of the UDO. All appeals shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of section 10.2.11.
How to Submit an Application
All Variance and Special Use Permit (SUP) applications must be submitted electronically through the Permit and Development Portal. The appeal of the administrative decision application can be found below. The Appeal of Administrative Decision applications shall be submitted directly to the City Clerk's Office in accordance with Section 10.2.11.
Filing Deadlines
Complete applications must be filed by the filing deadline. Board of Adjustment meetings are typically held on the second Monday of each month at 1 p.m. Requests must be submitted 60 days before the meeting date. See “BOA Meeting Dates and Deadlines”
Submittal Requirements
- Payment of filing fee - For Variance and Special Use Permit applications, payment must be made online through the Permit and Development Portal. Appeals must be paid via check made out to the “City of Raleigh”.
- A plan is drawn to scale, containing a north arrow, the area of the subject property, and the location of all existing and proposed improvements.
- Other information the applicant would like to include to contextualize or substantiate the request (i.e. photographs, documents, etc.).
- One (1) original hard copy of the signed and notarized Certification of Owner(s) or Applicant(s).
- Mailing list and stamped (first class) and labeled envelopes – see ‘Public Notice Requirements’ on page 2 of the BOA application instructions. It is requested that the envelopes be self-sealing (peel and stick) and labeled with the following return address: Planning and Development Department, City of Raleigh, P.O. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602-0590.
The original hard copy of the signed and notarized Certification of Owner/s and stamped and addressed envelopes can be dropped off in-person at One Exchange Plaza, Suite 300 or mailed to the P.O. Box below:
Raleigh Planning and Development
Attn: Eric Hodge and Justin Bucher
P.O. Box 590
Raleigh, NC 27602
Label Creator - to help create labels for those applicants who are required to provide stamped addressed envelopes.
Minutes Archive
We moved to BoardDocs in April 2018. View agendas and minutes from April 2018 to present there.
Download zip file: Minutes 2002 - 2018
Rules & Filings
Notarized Certifications
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