Recycling Do's and Don'ts

Recycle the correct way!

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Recycle These Items Don't Recycle These Items
Graphic that says Don't place recyclables in a bag

Please Don't Bag Recyclables!

All recyclable items should be placed directly in City of Raleigh recycling bins.

Recycle These Items

Graphic that shows plastic bottles, tubs, jugs, and jars that can be recycled once emptied and rinsed. No pumps.

YES - Recycle plastic bottles, tubs, jugs, and jars with lids including laundry detergent jugs, milk cartons, drink bottles, dairy containers, dish soap containers, and condiment containers. Empty and rinse clean. No pumps please.

Graphic showing what glass bottles can be recycled. Rinse before recycling.

YES - Recycle glass bottles and jars after emptying and rinsing. Examples of glass jars include baby food jars, wine bottles, beer bottles, tomato sauce jars, jelly jars, and glass condiment jars.

Graphic showing different types of metal cans that can be recycled after rinsing clean

YES - Recycle metal cans after emptying and rinsing. Examples of metal cans include dog and cat food, tuna cans, soda cans, fruit cans, and soup cans.

Graphic showing different types of paper products that can be recycled.

YES - Recycle paper products. Examples of paper products include cereal boxes, disposable coffee cups, juice cartons, cardboard boxes (flatten cardboard), empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls, envelopes, magazines, paper, newspaper, chip cans, and brown paper grocery bags.

Don't Recycle These Items

Graphics shows a long list of items not to recycle - listed on the page.

Don't recycle: Aerosol cans, batteries (car, lithium, etc), aluminum foil, ceramic items, clothing/textiles, diapers, electronics, food-tainted items, hazardous waste, household glass, medical waste, plastic bags/wrap, plastic cups, plastic lids, straws, scrap metal/wood, shredded paper, styrofoam/peanuts, tanglers (cords, hoses, wires, etc.), tires, or toys.

Solid Waste Services
Related Services:
Recycling for Residents
