
Infrastructure Projects

Project Name  Description   Amount   Important/Effective Dates 
Raleigh Convention Center Improvements  Funding will be used improvements at the Raleigh Convention Center.    $250,000  Approved by Council -  July 6, 2021 
City Plaza Improvements  Raleigh is funding improvements to City Plaza, including Lighting and Sound upgrades, which will improve programmatic uses in that space  $400,000  Approved by Council - July 6, 2021 
Solarize Raleigh and Solarize the Triangle  Solarize Raleigh is part of the regional "Solarize the Triangle" campaign, a community-based group purchasing program to expand solar energy, battery storage and other clean-energy technologies to make renewable energy more accessible across the region. Funding will specifically support solar access for low-to-middle income (LMI) residents as a part of the larger campaign, and supports Raleigh's Community Climate Action Plan.  $210,000  Approved by Council - July 5, 2022
Solar Feasibility Evaluations for City Facilities and Sites  Site evaluations, structural evaluations, and roof assessments are needed to determine solar feasibility on City facilities and property. Funding will cover project evaluation, design, renewable energy credits, lease vs. ownership of solar technology, interconnections to extant grid, and further research on Duke Energy programs. This evaluation also includes a specific evaluation on Wilder's Grove Landfill, which will require additional research into rules and regulations related to closed landfills. These evaluations all support implementation of Raleigh's Community Climate Action Plan.  $1,290,000  Approved by Council - July 5, 2022
Electric Vehicle (EV) City Fleet Procurement  This project will support the transition of Raleigh's city fleet to electric vehicles in accordance with the City's fleet replacement cycle. This project is a climate action in support of the implementation of Raleigh's Community Climate Action Plan.  $600,000  Approved by Council - July 5, 2022
Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure & Charging Stations  This project will fund EV chargers and infrastructure in support of Raleigh's city fleet transitioning to electric vehicles. The funding will be used primarily for EV infrastructure for city fleet vehicles, but also include EV infrastructure for community EV parking at city facilities, and solar-powered EV charging infrastructure pilots. This project is a climate action in support of the implementation of the Raleigh's Community Climate Action Plan.   $400,000 

Approved by Council - July 5, 2022

Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) to Mitigate Stormwater and Heat Island Effects

Funding will support accelerated design and construction of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) in disproportionately impacted and vulnerable communities to improve water quality and address heat island effects. GSI, especially when implemented with tree canopy and other natural vegetative improvements, is effective in reducing heat island impacts as well as reducing flooding for smaller, more frequent storm events.

Moreover, this project is a climate action in support of the implementation of Raleigh’s Community Climate Action Plan.


Encumber planning and design contracts during first quarter 2023

Fully encumber all funds by December 2024

Fully expend all funds by December 2026

Worthdale Park Stream Restoration

Funding will support construction of a community park stream restoration project to improve safety, reduce erosion, enhance habitat, and prevent sediment pollution to a tributary of Walnut Creek.

This priority stream restoration project is already in the conceptual design phase as supported by the City’s Stormwater Utility funds.

Fully encumber funds for construction by December 2024

Fully expend funds for construction by December 2026

Lions Park Green Stormwater Infrastructure Retrofits Funding will support the design and construction of multiple Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) retrofits to improve water quality in the Bridges Branch watershed. $480,000

Encumber planning and design contracts during first quarter 2023

Fully encumber all funds by December 2024

Fully expend all funds by December 2026

Raleigh Rainwater Rewards

Funding will help increase awareness and reduce barriers to participation in the Raleigh Rainwater Rewards (R3) cost-share program in disproportionately impacted communities.

R3 projects, such as rain gardens, cisterns, and pavement removal, help protect water quality in the Walnut and Crabtree Creek Watersheds and Raleigh’s water supply protection overlay districts.

Fully encumber funds by December 2024

Fully expend funds by December 2026

Rose Lane Area Neighborhood Flooding – Plan/Design Safe, Equitable, and Resilient Access

The Rose Lane Area Project would create a safe, reliable, and resilient access way for residents living in more than fifty affordable residential homes in the lower Walnut Creek Watershed area of southeast Raleigh. 

The project also represents a clear example of Raleigh’s strong commitment to delivering equitable solutions for all residents, particularly those in areas of higher vulnerability.   

Rose Lane crosses over Walnut Creek and provides the only way in and out of a residential neighborhood that was an earlier Habitat for Humanity community along with other properties in the area.  The major safety concern is that Rose Lane and the bridge over Walnut Creek are prone to frequent and potentially hazardous flooding conditions, thereby unsafe access for the residents, school buses, and emergency responders.   We are aware of swift water rescues occurring in this area over time.

This ARPA funding will support and accelerate the planning and design for this high priority project. 

The City is also concurrently pursuing additional funding to support future construction to make the much needed improvements a reality for the community.


Encumber planning and design contracts during first quarter 2023

Fully encumber funds by December 2024

Fully expend funds by December 2026

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