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Facade Rehabilitation Grant FAQ

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Grant Uses

Grant Uses

What is the Facade Rehabilitation Grant?
The City of Raleigh's Facade Rehabilitation Grant program promotes growth and development by supporting small business owners in transforming their commercial buildings into vibrant, attractive spaces.  Property owners and businesses can receive matching reimbursement grants of up to $10,000 to refurbish the exteriors of their existing buildings, enhancing the community and stimulating economic activity. 

Who is this grant intended for?
The grant is for small business owners with 49 employees or less. The business must be located within the city limits of Raleigh. The grant is for business owners to improve their space in a manner consistent with City policy objectives.

What kinds of projects are covered by the Facade Rehabilitation Grant?
The Facade Rehabilitation Grant covers a variety of projects aimed at improving the exterior appearance of buildings. Eligible projects include the removal of false fronts like aluminum panels, the repair or replacement of windows, doors, cornices, and facade materials, as well as exterior lighting and painting when part of a larger rehabilitation effort. The grant also covers construction costs, artist fees, labor costs, equipment rentals, and both construction and material expenses. 

What kinds of projects are NOT covered by the Facade Rehabilitation Grant?
The Facade Rehabilitation Grant does not cover projects focused on the interior of a building, routine like-for-like maintenance replacements for old equipment, or simple redecorating that does not introduce new business use or functionality. Custom signs, personal property purchases such as portable appliances and furniture, and purchases unrelated to construction, like retail items or merchandise for sale, are also ineligible. The grant does not support projects that do not require permits, as these typically do not align with the grant’s intended purpose. Additionally, projects that have already submitted or received permits and are currently underway, as well as murals covering facades in good condition, are not eligible for funding.

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