students walking in a hallway wearing backpacks

National League of Cities (NLC)

Offering Support to Post-Secondary Students

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HOST Home Program Students Supporting Students Advisory Team Student Basic Needs Resource Guide

The City of Raleigh was selected to join the National League of Cities (NLC) peer-learning cohort in October 2021. These cohorts work to remove barriers to basic needs that often prevent college students from successfully completing postsecondary degrees, certificates, or other credentials needed to access rewarding careers.

Our 20-member NLC team consists of students and staff from the six Raleigh colleges and universities, City of Raleigh staff, Wake County government staff, Passage Home, Wake County Coalition to Prevent Homelessness and other community advocates. The mission is to strengthen partnerships with our local post-secondary institutions, identify the barriers to students’ basic needs, and provide needed resources related to housing, food security, digital inclusion, and mental health.

The Raleigh NLC team is working on three projects: the HOST Home Program, the Students Supporting Students Advisory Team, and the Student Basic Needs Resource Guide. 

HOST Home Program

Housing Options for Students Today (HOST) Home Program allows students to live with a “host” family so they can focus on their studies while seeking stable housing. HOST matches students with local community members willing to provide a short-term home to students while they work with HOST’s staff to ensure they have a plan for long-term, safe, and affordable housing.  Time spent in a home can vary from a few nights to a few months, giving students the time they need to develop a game plan for long-term housing.

The HOST Nonprofit works with Passage Home, Wake County Government, Shaw University, and NC State University to administer this program. More information can be found at

Students Supporting Students Advisory Team

The Students Supporting Students Advisory Team is comprised of 12 student members that act as liaisons between students and their campuses, Raleigh City Council, and Wake County Commissioners. The Advisory Team members advocate for their fellow students, share information and advice, and more.

Student Basic Needs Resource Guide

The Student Basic Needs Resource Guide offers a guide about food, housing, technology, mental health, and childcare resources specifically for post-secondary students in our community. Printed copies are also available at local universities and the Pathways Center.



Cathey J. Ector-Cox
Youth Services and Raleigh Pathways Center Manager

Raleigh Pathways Center
900 S. Wilmington Street
Raleigh, NC 27601


Lead Department:
Community Engagement
Service Categories:
Youth Services

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