A colorful mural on a wall at Vehicle Fleet Services that reads Clean Energy

FMO Supports Raleigh's Climate Action Plan

Mapping out a clean transportation future

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Alternative Fuels Types of Sustainable Vehicles in Our Fleet

Raleigh's Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) aims to reduce City-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80 percent by 2050, and Fleet Management Operations is doing its part. 

Did you know almost half of the City's total GHG emissions come from transportation? That is why reducing vehicle emissions is critical to our climate action strategy.

We are mapping out a "clean transportation" future that involves transitioning from fossil fuels to cleaner alternatives. Fleet Management Operations is working on our electric vehicle implementation rollout to transition our fleet to electric over the next ten years. 

As we make that transition, clean alternative fuels are helping us make a step in the right direction.  

Alternative Fuels

Renewable Propane

The City is looking to alternative fuel types as we transition our fleet to electric, and renewable propane serves as a valuable bridge in that process. Using renewable propane in City vehicles significantly reduces our demand for conventional fossil fuels. Renewable propane is plant-based fuel made from vegetable oils and fats. Compared to fossil fuels, renewable propane produces far less greenhouse gas emissions.

Artist Max Dowdle created two murals at the City's Vehicle Fleet facility off Westinghouse Boulevard, highlighting the City's commitment to green energy and our use of renewable propane.

Enjoy this video that shows the painting process of the two murals. 

“In the Land of Clean Energy” - A City of Raleigh Mural Project by Max Dowdle

Artist Max Dowdle created two murals at the City's Vehicle Fleet facility off Westinghouse Boulevard, in Raleigh NC, highlighting the City's commitment to green energy. The video shows the painting process of both murals.

E85 Fuel

This Fuel type burns cleaner and generates more horsepower than gasoline, creating less emissions. Many of the City's SUVs and light-duty trucks use this fuel type.

Types of Sustainable Vehicles in Our Fleet

Fuel TypeTotal NumberTypes
E85 Vehicles1039 VehiclesSmall trucks and SUVs
Hybrid Vehicles360 VehiclesSmall to mid-sized cars
Electric52 VehiclesSmall cars, and all terrain cars
Propane105 VehiclesLarge trucks, mowers, forklifts, and heavy equipment



Rick D. Longobart 
Fleet Management Operations

Engineering Services
Related Services:
Fleet Management Operations
