Jonathan Lambert-Melton has served as an at-large Raleigh City Council member since 2019. He serves as chair of the Economic Development & Innovation Committee and is Vice-Chair of the Transportation & Transit Committee.
Council Member Lambert-Melton is an attorney, exclusively practicing family law. He is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Family Law and is a partner at the law firm of Gailor Hunt Davis Taylor & Gibbs, PLLC. He earned his undergraduate degree in political science from North Carolina State University and his Juris Doctor degree from North Carolina Central University School of Law.
Council Member Lambert-Melton has lived in Raleigh since 2004 and is the first openly LGBTQ person elected citywide in Raleigh. He is a founding board member of Stonewall Sports, Inc., a national LGBTQ and allied philanthropic sports league, and served on the board of directors for TLC (formerly The Tammy Lynn Center).
His hobbies include biking, riding a scooter, and playing kickball. Council Member Lambert-Melton and his husband Stephan share two dogs, Bishop and Rook, and two cats, Pocono and Ande.
Council Committee Assignments:
Economic Development & Innovation - Chair
Transportation & Transit - Vice-Chair
Boards and Commissions Liaison Assignments:
Police Advisory Board
League of Municipalities
Email Jonathan Lambert-Melton: jonathan.lambert-melton@raleighnc.gov
Email the entire City Council: citycouncilmembers@raleighnc.gov