Raleigh Mayor Janet Cowell has fifteen years of prior public service, including Raleigh City Councilor, NC State Senator, and North Carolina State Treasurer. The first (and only) woman elected Treasurer, she managed over $100 billion in pension assets and administered the state health plan for over 900,000 state and local government workers and retirees.
Before being elected Mayor, Janet worked closely with the City of Raleigh as the President and CEO of Dix Park Conservancy. The Conservancy works with the City to create Dorothea Dix Park, a 308-acre site less than one mile from downtown Raleigh. During her tenure, Janet raised over $40 million in private funds to help create the park. She oversaw the completion of renovation and adaptive reuse projects at the park including the Greg Poole Jr. Chapel and the Stone Houses and Visitor Center. She also established a significant public arts program featuring local, national, and international artists.
Cowell has served on numerous boards throughout her career. She served eight years on the NC Board of Education and NC Community College Board. She currently chairs the Wharton School of Business Executive Education Board. She served as a corporate director of two publicly traded companies -- Channel Advisor and James River Insurance.
Originally from Memphis, TN, Cowell is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and earned her MBA and MA in International Studies from the Wharton School of Business and the Lauder Institute.
Email the Mayor: janet.cowell@raleighnc.gov
Email the entire City Council: citycouncilmembers@raleighnc.gov