Raleigh Arts Plan

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About What is a Cultural Plan?

The Future of Raleigh Arts

Community members of all ages tell us about their favorite Raleigh arts and cultural activities and what they want to see in Raleigh's future.


Raleigh Arts led the development of the Raleigh Arts Plan, a ten-year master plan to strengthen arts and culture for all of the City’s many communities and people. The planning process began in July 2014 and ended with City Council adoption of the Plan in February 2016.

Read the full Raleigh Arts Plan

To request this document in braille or text-only large print, please contact Raleigh Arts at 919-996-3610.

What is a Cultural Plan?

The Raleigh Arts Plan is a community cultural plan. It comes from the community and reflects a shared vision for the cultural future of Raleigh’s people. The planning process was led by the City of Raleigh and included partners, organizations, and people who want to be involved in fulfilling the community’s Creative Life vision.

Cities throughout the US have used cultural plans to strengthen the cultural life of their communities. The beneficiaries of plans are the residents – the people who live and work in the community. Artists, arts and cultural organizations, creative businesses, and many others are often strengthened in their efforts to serve their communities.

The goal of the Raleigh Arts Plan is to articulate a shared vision and goals for improving the cultural life of the community. This often includes the arts as a partner in education, neighborhood revitalization, tourism, economic development, and more.

Raleigh Arts Plan Vision

Raleigh is a community connected through arts and culture, where every person is empowered to lead the creative life they envision.

Raleigh Arts Plan Goals

  1. Promote an active arts and culture life throughout the community
  2. Expand youth arts participation
  3. Ensure equity, access, and inclusion in all cultural programming
  4. Support the work of Raleigh's artists and arts and cultural organizations
  5. Enhance the vitality of Raleigh's neighborhoods and districts through thoughtful placemaking
  6. Enhance arts leadership and governance
  7. Strengthen marketing, promotion and valuing of the arts
  8. Create a system of sustainable arts funding
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
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