2014 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources System Plan

On May 6, 2014, the Raleigh City Council voted unanimously to approve the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources System Plan. 

Thank you to the community for your input, ideas and time put into the System Plan process. Over 5,300 of you participated over 8,400 hours of your time through the City Council-appointed citizen Planning Committee, the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board (PRGAB), websites, social media, focus groups, surveys, community visioning workshops, community meetings, and outreach to Citizen Advisory Councils (CAC) and boards.  This extensive input allowed us to create a System Plan based on the community’s values which will guide the direction, development and delivery of the City’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources services for the next 20 years.

System Plan

Browse | Download | Executive Summary

Existing Systems Analysis - Part 1 

Part 1 took a snapshot of the current conditions of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources System as a whole. Information reviewed included but was not limited to, existing plans, studies, demographic, market, and geographic. This provided a baseline to analyze the system as it currently exists.

Needs and Priorities Assessment - Part 2 

Part 2 had several public outreach initiatives and participation opportunities; community meetings, focus groups, public visioning workshops, a statistically valid survey, and a public engagement website. The information gathered from Part 2 provided the framework for Part 3, the Long-Range Vision. It was a three-month-long public outreach initiative that resulted in overwhelming public participation. Thank you for your support! 

Long-Range Vision - Part 3 

The Long Range Vision Chapter's goal was to establish and define the communities’ aspirations for the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department. The Vision Chapter reflected input received from the entire System Plan process, including; Extensive Public Input from the week of Visioning Sessions, the technical review of the existing department and facilities (Chapter 2), and a multi-faceted public discussion of the needs and priorities of the department (Chapter 3). 

The outline for the Vision Chapter establishes a set of Guiding Principles that informs a series of goals and objectives for each subsystem. The goals and objectives for each subsystem are meant to be broad enough to stand the test of time, but detailed enough to reflect the needs of Raleigh. The vision is meant to set the framework for the next part of the System Plan, the Implementation Plan.

Visioning Session Kick-off Video

Implementation Plan - Part 4

The Implementation Chapter is the final chapter in the System Plan document and includes the development of a Strategic Plan including action items and timeframes for the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department. These tools help the Department move forward and achieve the Vision, Guiding Principles, and Goals and Objectives as stated in Chapter 4.

The action items in this chapter reflect the input received throughout the entire System Plan process, including; extensive public input from the week of Visioning Sessions, the technical review of the existing department conditions and facilities (Chapter 2), a multi-faceted public discussion of the needs and priorities of the Department (Chapter 3), and the community's aspirations as identified in Chapter 4.

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources System Plan - Part 5

Part 5 compiled all the work completed into a draft Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources System Plan Document. It included:

  • Existing System Analysis
  • Needs and Priorities Assessment
  • Long Range Vision
  • Implementation Plan

Part 5 heavily focused on public participation with review of the draft System Plan by community meetings, the RCAC, stakeholders, city staff, and Planning Committee and Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board. 

Review Process

The Planning Committee and the Parks, Recreation, Greenway Advisory Board were heavily involved throughout the System Plan process. They received presentations at the end of each part. The Planning Committee participated in various meetings throughout the creation of the System Plan. Also, monthly updates were made at the PRGAB meetings.

The City Council was involved throughout the process by presentations at the end of Part 2, Part 4, and final approval at the end of Part 5. Council was engaged through the representation of one Council member serving on the Planning Committee.

Park and Greenway Projects

Current Projects