Downtown trees against the Raleigh Skyline

Tree Preservation and Planting (TC-2-22)

Learn how the City is exploring options to protect and increase the number of trees in Raleigh.

On February 15, 2022, the City Council authorized staff to draft amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance which would expand tree protections within Raleigh. The specific recommendations include:

  1. Tree Conservation requirements for lots 1-2 acres in size.
  2. Champion/Specimen tree provisions.
  3. Tree planting requirements for smaller lots (under 2 acres) that don’t have required Tree Conservation Areas.

As part of the research and drafting phase, staff will present options to a select group of Boards and Commissions. The purpose of these meetings is to solicit feedback from Board and Commission members and the general public to help inform the drafting process.

Once the ordinance is drafted it will be posted to the Text Change Engagement Portal before being delivered to the Planning Commission and City Council in accordance with the Text Change process.

Planning and Development
Service Categories:
Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)
