Streetlight Program

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Reporting Streetlight Outages
street lights


The City of Raleigh Transportation Department coordinates street light installations in areas within our City limits on public streets. Requests for new installations originate with developers, staff field observations, annexations and citizen requests. To initiate a new street light request or a lighting concern, please contact City staff at 919-996-4045.

The City of Raleigh works with our energy providers, Duke Energy and the Wake Electric Membership Corporation, to provide services for streetlights. Transportation Department staff coordinates the planning and installation of all new street lights with each energy provider. The City does not install lights in private parking lots or on private property. Each power company is responsible for designing the street light system for all public streets within the city limits. All of the City’s street light designs follow the Standards for Roadway Illumination as established by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.

The City of Raleigh’s standard street light facilities consist of wooden poles with LED Roadway fixtures. These fixtures comply with the goals of the Dark Skies Initiative, which aim to reduce light pollution. City staff also works with new developments that wish to upgrade their lighting with fiberglass poles or decorative fixtures.

Reporting Streetlight Outages

The vast majority of street lights within the City of Raleigh public right of way are maintained by local power utilities. With over 30,000 existing street lights, the City appreciates your help reporting street lights that are malfunctioning or in need of repair. To report outages or malfunctioning street lights, please contact the energy provider in your area: 

In lieu of reporting the issue to the energy provider, you can contact the City of Raleigh Transportation Department at 919-996-4045 and we will relay the report. Please be sure to provide an address and pole number so we can accurately report the issue.


Lead Department:
Service Categories:
Traffic Engineering