safe streets crosswalk

Safe Streets for All – Comprehensive Safety Action Plan

Creating a roadmap for a safer, more equitable, and better-connected transportation network

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Overview Why is SS4A Needed? Goals View the Safe Streets for All Presentation Take Our Survey!


The City of Raleigh was granted planning funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) federal grant program to develop a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP). The City of Raleigh’s CSAP will aim to create a roadmap for a safer, more equitable, and better-connected transportation network. This plan will prioritize the elimination of roadway crashes resulting in fatalities and severe injuries, with a goal of reaching ZERO fatal and serious injury traffic crashes. Raleigh Safe Streets and Roads for All builds upon the Vision Zero initiative to create a safe transportation system for all users.

Busy crosswalk

Why is SS4A Needed?

Raleigh is among the fastest-growing large metro areas in the United States. An increasing population presents safety challenges for transportation, particularly regarding traffic volume, driving behaviors, and coexistence of transportation modes. As Raleigh continues to grow, safely designed transportation infrastructure is vital to reduce accidents, enhance accessibility, and support quality of life and community. 

  • In 2023 Raleigh saw 19,257 total crashes, resulting in 41 total fatalities from 36 crashes, with 11 crashes involving pedestrians.  
  • Dangerous behaviors were involved in 85% of all fatal crashes in 2023. 
  • 71% of the people who died in passenger vehicles were not wearing a seatbelt.  
  • Speeding was involved in more than 54% of fatal crashes. 
girl crossing the street with bike


Raleigh’s SS4A plan has five primary goals which will work in unison to create a safer, more connected transportation network for all: 

1.    Reduce fatal and serious injury crashes by 25% every five years and 100% by 2045 
2.    Enhance roadway safety infrastructure 
3.    Promote safe driving behavior 
4.    Evidence-based data analysis and transparent reporting 
5.    Foster community engagement and collaboration 

Each goal has its own set of objectives and tactics. As a key component of this plan, the SS4A team will conduct a citywide analysis to identify high-injury and high-risk areas for road users. Through this analysis, the team will utilize a data-driven approach to implement high-impact safety improvements at critical crash hotspots.  

Education and community involvement are essential components of Raleigh’s Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. In addition to implementing safety improvements, the SS4A team will partner with schools, community organizations, and employers to deliver targeted educational programs that promote safe driving habits among all age groups.  

As detailed in the Get Involved section below, the planning team will host public events for members of the community to learn more about the plan and provide their input. This plan will involve local community leaders and conduct outreach in historically marginalized communities to prioritize specific safety needs in underserved areas and advance equity where it’s needed most. 

students crossing street

View the Safe Streets for All Presentation

Did you miss our Safe Streets for All public meetings? 
The City of Raleigh’s Transportation Department hosted  5 public meetings from January through March to gather vital community feedback on transportation safety. This input will help shape Raleigh’s Safe Streets for All (SS4A) plan, which aims to eliminate serious injury and fatal crashes by 2045, while also making our transportation network safer, more equitable, and better-connected. Check out the presentation below!

Safe Streets for All Public Meeting Presentation

Take Our Survey!

Provide your input today on our survey about safety in Raleigh! 
Safe Streets for All Survey

Subscribe to our digital newsletter to receive more information about the plan and updates on ways to get involved! 




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