Aerial view of New Bern Ave.

City Approves Transit-Oriented Growth Along New Bern Avenue

Changes support Raleigh's Comprehensive Plan

This news article is more than a year old.

Update, posted 7/3/24

On July 2, 2024 City Council reviewed the remaining portions of the rezoning request for the Western Station Area and took the following actions:

  • Rezoned properties in the Western Station Area as proposed, except for properties wholly within the New-Bern Edenton Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD).
  • Applied the Transit Overlay District (TOD), removed the NCOD, and rezoned two properties split by the NCOD.
  • Accepted three public requests to be added to the rezoning.

All discussion of Z-92-22 has now concluded.

Update, posted 6/4/24

Collectively on March 5, April 2, May 7, and June 4, 2024, City Council took the following actions:

  • Applied the Transit Overlay District (TOD) as recommended by Planning Commission’s Committee of the Whole, but excluded properties in the New-Bern Edenton Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD).
  • Rezoned properties in the Eastern Station Area as proposed, but limited the tallest building heights to 5 stories rather than 7 stories.
    • Lake Haven (3700 Lake Woodard Drive) was rezoned to 7 stories.
  • Rezoned properties in the Middle 1 Station Area as proposed, but reduced some of the proposed building heights to 5 stories rather than 7 stories.
  • Rezoned properties in the Middle 2 Station Area as proposed, but excluded properties in the King Charles NCOD that do not directly front along New Bern Avenue.
    • The King Charles NCOD was removed wherever the TOD was applied.
  • Rezoned properties in the Oakwood Ave Station Area as proposed.
  • Rezoned the following individual sites:
    • 600 New Bern Avenue and 17 S. Swain Street
    • Zak’s Gas 76
    • Duplex Village – 1902, 1928, 1932 & 1936 New Bern Avenue; 118, 120 & 122 Russ Street; 1900, 1921, 1925 & 2000 Hawkins Street
    • Southeast Raleigh Promise Small-scale Sites – 902 Edenton Street, 911 Edenton Street
    • Lincoln Park – New Bern Avenue, Poole Road, Raleigh Boulevard
    • Grayson Homes - 574 New Bern Avenue, 16 & 18 S. Swain Street
    • Public request M3 – 101 N. Peartree Lane

Original Article, posted 2/2/24

Raleigh City Council acted Tuesday night to formalize a vision for the places around the New Bern Avenue corridor and other planned Bus Rapid Transit routes. The action made several amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which sets out policies and guidelines for development across the City.

The intent of the amendments (CP-7-22) is to support growth around transit projects that in turn supports transit. They aim to improve things like sustainability by reducing cars on the road and, as a result, greenhouse gasses. They institute new or leverage existing programs to reduce neighborhood displacement and increase housing affordability.  

The changes were one of two items on the City Council agenda Tuesday night. The Council deferred action on a related rezoning case until March 5. The case, Z-92-22, proposes rezoning 744 properties along New Bern Avenue covering 726 acres to also support new transit investments. Council asked staff to report back with options to consider the rezoning request in several phases.

The public hearing remains open for the March 5 evening meeting.



Bynum Walter
Assistant Director

Lead Department:
TransportationPlanning and DevelopmentEngineering Services
Service Categories:
Mobility Strategy and InfrastructurePublic TransportationPlanning
