Dangerous and Nuisance Animals

Definition of a nuisance animal and rabid animal safety tips

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Nuisance Animals Rabies

Nuisance Animals

According to the City of Raleigh Animal Control Ordinance, a nuisance animal is described as one that is:

  • Found repeatedly running at large
  • Damaging property
  • Fouling the air with odors
  • Habitually making loud noises or barking
  • Endangering the public health
  • Vicious
  • Causing unsanitary conditions of enclosure or surroundings
  • Offensive or dangerous to public health by virtue of number or type

Wild animals caught by Animal Control officers are released back into the wild if healthy. Sick animals are taken for treatment by a veterinarian or, if necessary, euthanized by the SPCA.

Raleigh Police Animal Control Yorkie

Animal Control 


It is important to stay safe and remember a few of these warnings:

  • Keep away from stray animals
  • Avoid leaving pets alone outside
  • Don't break up fighting animals

Residents of Raleigh may contact Animal Control at 919-829-1911 to report animal complaints.

Pets must be inoculated against rabies - read the ordinance.

More information about rabies


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Animal Control