Male police officer smiling and hugging dog

Animal Food and Shelter Requirements

City ordinance requires pet owners to provide adequate food, water, and shelter for pets.

All dogs and cats should be given adequate food, water, and shelter. Adequate shelter is defined as an enclosure of at least three sides, a roof and a floor. The enclosure needs to be ventilated and must have sufficient room for the animal(s) to move around freely and to lie down comfortably.

The following are not considered an adequate shelter:

  • underneath outside steps, decks and stoops;
  • inside of vehicles;
  • underneath vehicles;
  • inside metal or plastic barrels or cardboard boxes; or
  • rooms, sheds or other buildings without windows or proper ventilation.

Failure to comply with this ordinance is a class-one misdemeanor, punishable by fine and incarceration.



Animal Control

Related Services:
Animal Control
