Man is using virtual reality fire extinguish to learn how to use one

Fire Prevention Coordinator Lt. Lemuel Hubbard helps a resident practice using a fire extinguisher with Flaim virtual reality equipment.

Raleigh Fire Embraces Innovation, Technology

Raleigh Fire in Action

The Raleigh Fire Department is using new technology to enhance operations and to make fire safety training easier – and even fun. Thanks to some new tools, Raleigh firefighters are more prepared than ever to keep the community safe.

Thermal-Imaging Cameras

Firefighter uses the new thermal-imaging camera to find “hot spots” to extinguish all fire in the structure.

Capt. Mitchell uses the new thermal-imaging camera to find “hot spots” to extinguish all fire in the structure. 

The Raleigh Fire Department is using new thermal imaging cameras to improve operations. Captain Lewis Lovell highlights a few of the benefits of the new cameras and the related training:

  • Firefighters went through two rounds of training in live fire conditions. These trainings showed the capabilities and limitations of the new cameras. Firefighters were able to gain a better understanding of the information provided by the camera and make tactical decisions based on it, in conjunction with their knowledge, skills, and experience.
  • The training showed how the camera can help identify the exact location of fire in a building (decreasing the time it takes to find and extinguish the fire), improve ventilation effectiveness, decrease search times, and increase safety for firefighters and victims.
  • Firefighters used the cameras to see the impact of their actions on fire behavior (ventilation and water application, for instance) and to reinforce current tactics by demonstrating the science behind established procedures.

Virtual Reality Fire Extinguisher Training

Resident is using virtual reality Flaim fire extinguisher

A resident learns how to use a fire extinguisher by practicing with Raleigh Fire's Flaim virtual reality program.

Imagine learning how to use a fire extinguisher in a virtual world that feels real! The department now has a system called Flaim that uses virtual reality (VR) to teach you how to use fire extinguishers. The system includes a VR headset, a real fire extinguisher, and software that shows various fire situations. You can practice putting out fires in homes, on boats, construction sites, and even at a racetrack.

"Our new VR system lets people learn how to handle emergencies such as house fires," says Fire Prevention Coordinator Lt. Lemuel Hubbard. "It looks and feels like real fires, with smoke and explosions, but it's safe to practice."

There are several benefits related to VR training, including:

  • Cost-effectiveness: VR reduces training costs significantly.
  • Engaging nature: VR enhances learner engagement and retention.
  • Versatility: VR allows training for various types of fire and extinguisher models.
  • Accessibility: VR training can be conducted anytime, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Repetitive learning: VR enables immediate restarts and retraining on the spot.
  • Safety: VR eliminates health and environmental concerns associated with traditional training methods.
  • Fun: VR training feels like being in a real-life video game! It’s fun to use and to watch.

If your organization is interested in fire safety training, email or call 919-996-6392. The training is free of charge.

“These new tools show how serious Raleigh Fire Department is about keeping us safe,” says Hubbard. “Your safety is what matters most to us.”

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